Science Fiction in the News:
Science and Technology News

Wandercraft Atalante Exoskeleton Now With Natural Gait
'... rigid metallic clothing not unlike armor which would support the interior human structure.' - Edmond Hamilton, 1932. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

Artificial Intelligence 'Dabus' Listed As Inventor, Granted Patent
'... new parts invented; superior designs replaced obsolete designs.' - Philip K. Dick, 1960. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Prufrock-1 Tunnel Maker Arrives In Vegas
'There was no reason why such shells should not be constructed for the express purpose of making tunnels.' - Frank Stockton, 1897. (re: Frank Stockton)

Robotic Crow Design, Like Crows, Is A Bit Creepy
'Over the years, however, he had given them life and intelligence...' - Philip E. High, 1968. (re: Philip E. High)

Compressorhead Robotic Band Jams
'The massive feet working the pedals, arms and hands flashing and glinting...' - Herbert Goldstone, 1953. (re: Herbert Goldstone)

ElectroVoxel Reconfigurable Robots
'...a vaguely terrifying foot-high shape, squared and angled and pointed and ANIMATE.' - Abraham Merritt, 1920. (re: Abraham Merritt)

Gloves In Science Fact And Science Fiction
'It was in effect a palmless glove made of impact-sensitive plastic about a quarter-inch thick.' - John Brunner, 1968. (re: John Brunner)

XROOTS eXposed Root On-Orbit Test System
'He was used to the miraculously rapid growth of plants fed with a solution of minerals, but this was too much.' - Maria Moravsky, 1940. (re: Maria Moravsky)

Answer To Teacher Spying And Student Surveillance? ParanoidLinux!
'ParanoidLinux is an operating system that assumes that its operator is under assault from the government...' - Cory Doctorow, 2008. (re: Cory Doctorow)

Polyaramide Is Stronger Than Steel, Light As Plastic
'... harnessed by aludur straps' - Leo Zagat, 1943. (re: Leo Zagat)

E-Nose NOS.E Knows Whiskey With One Sniff
'It's picking up diphenyl compounds and tetrahydrocarbons...' - Michael Crichton, 1985. (re: Michael Crichton)

Orbital Prime Garbage Collectors Active Debris Remediation
'...a Skydozer, towing space junk.' - George M. Ewing, 1987. (re: George M. Ewing)

Fully Automated Olympic Food Service
Lift and separate. (re: Edgar Rice Burroughs)

Anduril Lattice Anvil Counter Drone System
'These drones are autonomous-programmed to find and kill their victim, and then to self-destruct.' - Daniel Suarez, 2012 (re: Daniel Suarez)

Electric Yak Quadruped China Robot
'They're modern science's answer to the backpack.' - John Varley, 1976. (re: John Varley)

Solar Trees In Chisinau Moldova
'...a sunshade-photocell collector.' - David Brin, 1990. (re: David Brin)

Tunnel Of Magnetized Filaments May Enclose Solar System
'The radiation comes from the axle of our galaxy where the gravity of a billion suns has opened our universe to the multiverse.' AA Atanasio, 1981. (re: Arthur Conan Doyle)

Wearable Synthetic Skin for Virtual Reality
'... feel her when her avatar hugged her.' - Stephen Baxter, 2008. (re: Stephen Baxter)

Star Trek Voyager Replica Tricorder And Galaxy Quest
'They designed those controls after watching you...take her out!' (re: Various)

Rolls Royce Electric Airplane Breaks Records
'A white electric plane approached at great speed...' - Charles Cloukey, 1930. (re: Charles Cloukey)

Chang'e-5 Lunar Lander Seeks Water
'... get out the solar power apparatus and send it down to us from the air-lock by the crane.' - Max Valier, 1931. (re: Max Valier)

I Really Want A Folding Computer
'...A paper thin polycarbon screen unfurled.' - William Gibson, 1986. (re: John Barnes)

A Kill Switch For Your Car?
'The car faltered as the external command came to brake...' - Keith Laumer, 1965. (re: Keith Laumer)

Scientifiction, Searchlight of Science
'And science goes on, with scientifiction as its searchlight.' (re: Jack Williamson)

Wearable Biomedical Sensors Printed Directly On Your Skin
'The dragon is a skin computer... People put it on their arms and exchange personal data.' Greg Bear, 2009. (re: Greg Bear)

Artificial, Implantable Kidney Prototype
'George Walt's corporate existence proved the workability of wholly mechanical organs...' - Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Ultra-short Pulse Laser Kills Bacteria In Vivo
'...coherent beams at precise wave-lengths passing through her flesh to zap foreign molecules within her body.' - Robert J. Sawyer, 2003. (re: Robert J. Sawyer)

Bioprint Prototype Handheld Bioprinter
'He turned the little art-derm nozzle...' - Philip K. Dick, 1960. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Betty Crocker, The First Company Avatar
'After six months of surgery and psycho-conditioning, he was identical with the other 496 Mr. Prestos...' - Alfred Bester, 1956. (re: Alfred Bester)

Augmented Reality Book Covers Reveal The Inner Book
'The E-paper holograms leaped from lurid covers...' - Greg Bear, 2003. (re: Greg Bear)

The First Multi-User Hologram Table?
Let the Wookiee win. - George Lucas, 1976. (re: George Lucas)

Apollo 8 Astronauts Pass The Equigravisphere
'... divers other objects, firearms and bottles, abandoned to themselves, held themselves up as by enchantment.' - Jules Verne, 1867. (re: Jules Verne)

Stellar Pizza Is A Pizza Robot That Comes To You
'No hand touched the food...' - Edgar Rice Burroughs, 1912 (re: Edgar Rice Burroughs)

Yamaha MOTOROiD Living Motorcycle Experiment
'He had never ridden any motorized device that lacked onboard steering and balance systems.' - Bruce Sterling, 1998. (re: Bruce Sterling)

China Treating Helium-3 On The Moon Seriously
Nothing like the movies to show what science fictional ideas might work. (re: Duncan Jones)

Solar Power Camper Van, As Predicted By Robert Heinlein in 1940
'It could maintain a steady six miles per hour on smooth, level pavement.' - Robert Heinlein, 1940. (re: Robert Heinlein)

A'Seedbot Autonomous Desert Robot
'Each is planted most tenderly in its own little pit.' - Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

Motessense - NTT Defines Your Attractive Personality
'...portraiture reproduced through a shigawire projector that is ... said to convey the ego essence.'- Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

Self-Serve Sarco Suicide Pod
'... the black chip of admission to your own Euthanasia Clinic!' - Jack Williamson, 1939. (re: Jack Williamson)

iBand+ Headband Helps With Lucid Dreams
'Alice Nakata lies twitching on her bunk, eyes closed...' - Peter Watts, 1999. (re: Peter Watts)

The Details Of Tesla’s FSD Full Self-Driving
'As the beautiful old car cruised in almost perfect silence under the guidance of it's automatic controls...' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1976. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Trinitite, Pentagrams And Isaac Asimov
'...And there were horns.' - Isaac Asimov, 1956. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Swedes Get 'Chipped' With Vaccine Passports
'Employees above a certain level were implanted with advanced microprocessors...' - William Gibson, 1984. (re: William Gibson)

Gentle Monster Robot Head
'The robot knelt before the head, lifted it slowly, and with... its strong hands placed it on its shoulders...' - Hugo Correa, 1968. (re: Hugo Correa)

SpinLaunch SubOrbital Accelerator
'The crowds came right up to the rail of the catapult... the jets would not blast until she was high over the peak.' - Robert Heinlein, 1950. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Augmented Reality Palm Keyboard
'Three rows of four colored dots appeared on the heel of my left hand.'- John Varley, 1992. (re: John Varley)

Omni Hoverboard Envy Of Green Goblin
'I brought it back to the ship, charged it up, reprogrammed the inertia chips and voila!' - Dan Simmons, 1989. (re: Dan Simmons)

Jetson ONE Speeds Through The Forest
'Over there! Two more of them!' - George Lucas, 1983. (re: George Lucas)

Facebook's Algorithmic News Feed Knows Better Than You Do
'Their playmates were not “real,” but they were a lot realer than, say, a Betsy-Wetsy doll.' John Brunner, 1966. (re: John Brunner)

Tselina Spacecraft Platform Destroyed In Russian Anti-Satellite Test
'pirate three-vee satellites sanded out of orbit...' - John Brunner, 1975. (re: John Brunner)

Burro Robot Follows You And Gets Smarter
'Oh, there you are! the balloon piped at the amorphous mass of living tissue...' - Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Tiangong Space Station! Exercise Like It's 1953
'He couldn't imitate actual gravity, of course...' - Murray Leinster, 1953. (re: Murray Leinster)

Facebook Unexpectedly Turns Away From Sfnal Face Recognition
'... the imprint of her image on the telephoto cell.' Schachner and Zagat, 1931. (re: Schachner and Zagat)

Taihang Solar Farm Accurately Pictured In 1911
'The entire expanse, twenty kilometers square, was covered ... the photo-electric elements which transformed the solar heat direct into electric energy.' - Hugo Gernsback, 1911. (re: Hugo Gernsback)

Galaxy Z Fold 3 Perfect For William Gibson's 'Control-Face'
'Chia recognized the square as the control-face of the computer she'd seen in his room.' William Gibson, 1996. (re: William Gibson)

Amazon Automatic Packaging Catches Up With Gernsback's 1911 Book
'The automatic packing machine could pack anything from a small package a few inches square up to a box two feet high by three feet long.' - Hugo Gernsback, 1911. (re: Hugo Gernsback)

Your Car Will Be Watching You!
'Mr. Garden, you are in no condition to drive...' - Philip K. Dick, 1963 (re: Philip K. dick)

Orbital Reef: Bezos' High Orbit Archipelago
'Tessier-Ashpool ascended to high orbit's archipelago to find the ecliptic sparsely marked with military stations and the first automated factories of the cartels' - William Gibson, 1988. (re: William Gibson)

Best Space Tacos Made From ISS-Grown Chilis
That's some spicy tacos. (re: Various)

Poor Humans. Miami Herald Bot Writes Great Real Estate Articles.
'Nothing of news-interest escape it...' - Philip K. Dick, 1953. (re: Philip K. Dick)

International Space Mission Never Leaves Earth
'That gives it complete isolation.' - David H. Keller, 1932. (re: David H. Keller)

Seriously, Was Our Universe Created In A Lab?
'It is an instrument with which I am going to create a microcosm.' - Edmond Hamilton, 1935. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

RUSSE Self-Healing Plastic Works Underwater
'It even had an inter-skin layer of gum that could seal the punctures...' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1951. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

Time For Your Space Weather Forecast
'On the three-dimensional map at weather headquarters on the planet Kaider III, the storm was colored orange.' - AE van Vogt, 1943. (re: AE van Vogt)

AI4Mars Wants Your Help Driving On Mars
'She wouldn't stop until Antar had told her everything he knew..' - Amitav Ghosh, 1995. (re: Amitav Ghosh)

Jetson ONE Personal Electric Aerial Vehicle
Who says you can't have your flying car? (re: Various)

Starlab By Nanoracks, A Commercial Space Station
'Webb Foster had built his space laboratory... It was a great crystal sphere, a thousand feet in diameter.' (re: Nat Schachner)

Auto-Targeting Fire Sprinkler Systems Now Reality
I think every kitchen should have one of these. (re: George Lucas)

Monarch Tractor - It's Electric, Autonomous and Smart
'Driver-optional' and follows gestures. (re: John Campbell)

'Seabreeze' Apple And UCLA Project To Beat Depression
'It's illegal to hold back information during a psyche test,' the machine said peevishly.' - Philip K. Dick, 1953. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Hovermap By Emesent Autonomous Mapping Works Indoors - and Out
Perfect for exploring ancient artifacts on distant planets. (re: Ridley Scott)

Sono Motor's Sion Sun-Powered Car
'...six square yards of sunpower screens on its low curved roof.' - Robert Heinlein, 1940. (re: Robert Heinlein)

LEONARDO Robot Has Legs And Thrusters, Can Skateboard, Slackline
'a walking balloon proceeded with long strides of its aluminum legs over a slant of steep upland.' - George Parsons Lathrop, 1897. (re: George Parsons Lathrop)

Xavier Robots On Patrol For 'Anti-Social Behavior'
'This was as close as a robot could get to a cop in uniform.' Harry Harrison, 1958. (re: Harry Harrison)

Rotating House in Bosnia
'... feel free to turn the house on your own.' - Frank Herbert, 1972. (re: Frank Herbert)

Ingenious Engineer Creates DIY Feeding Robot
'Waldo flexed and extended his fingers gently; the two pairs of waldoes in the screen followed in exact, simultaneous parallelism.' - Robert Heinlein, 1942. (re: Robert Heinlein)

SpaceX Creates 'Tholian Web' Mega Constellation Of Satellites
'We shall not see home again!' - Gene Roddenberry, 1969. (re: Gene Roddenberry)

Do Smart Glasses Need Forward-Facing Cameras?
'They were stylish, with yellow-tinted lenses and hip frames, but the posts were unusually thick.' - Daniel Suarez, 2009. (re: Daniel Suarez)

Adorable One-Seater Electric Car From Wuxi Sinotech
'Noiselessly, on rubber-tired wheels, they journeyed...' - David H. Keller, 1928. (re: David H. Keller)

Zoom Adds Real-Time, Live Translation
'He immediately turned the small shining disc of the Language Rectifier..' - Hugo Gernsback, 1911. (re: Hugo Gernsback)

It's Spacewalk Sunday, Thanks To The ESA
'The delicious, indescribable pleasure of being a little planet swinging through space...' - Garrett P. Serviss, 1898. (re: Garrett P. Serviss)

Pengxing Intelligent Robot Horse You Can Ride
'The horse reared up, pawing the air, then sprang into a gallop.' - Christopher Stasheff, 1969. (re: Christopher Stasheff)

Tesla Bot Humanoid 'Robot' Vs. Boston Dynamics Atlas Parkour Robot
'...most jobs that require a human form are better done by those organic alternatives.' - Richard Morgan, 2003 (re: Richard Morgan)

Altos Labs' Bezos Wants An Anti-Agathic (To Live Forever)
'So what we're looking for now is... an anti-agathic, an anti-death drug.' - James Blish, 1957. (re: James Blish)

Carver EV Single Person Microcar Leans In
'Farr paid his fare, summoned a one-man car...' - Jack Vance, 1954. (re: Jack Vance)

Smartphone Microdrone Concept - Viva Vivo!
'With the Scarab as big as a beetle, I could make a Scarab as big as a sand grain.' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1937. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

Anti-Forced Organ Harvesting Global Summit
'The doctor was a line of machines with a conveyor belt running through them.' - Larry Niven, 1967. (re: Larry Niven)

Flyboard Water Jet Shoes Lift Off
'I shall never forget that first lesson in aerial walking.' - Francis Flagg, 1930. (re: Francis Flagg)

Magnetically Driven Rotary Microfilter 3D Printed
'... not really walls but nearly infinite grids of submicroscopic wheels.' - Neal Stephenson, 1995. (re: Neal Stephenson)

Pyrus, An Alternative Wood Made From Kombucha
Science fiction has just the word you'll need for that real wood from trees you've been using. Until now. (re: Pohl and Kornbluth)

NASA Predicts Radiation Risks
' order to check the deadly short-wave gamma rays of space.' - Max Valier, 1931. (re: Max Valier)

Feisty Little Robot Dog Cheaper Than Boston Dynamics
'He allowed his hand to run experimentally over the concealed panel of studs under the fur of the robot’s belly.' - Frank Quatrocchi, 1952. (re: Frank Quatrocchi)

China Wants To Build Mega Space Ships
'Don't do anything to endanger our shipping privileges...' - Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

Adjust Earth Temp With A Bazillion Solar Sunshades
' the sun passed the meridian at Cape Town-it went out.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1953. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

CGI 'Master Faces' Impersonate Several Identities
'As the computer looped through its banks, it projected every conceivable eye color, hair color, shape and type of nose...' - Philip K. Dick, 1977. (re: Philip K. Dick)

New Robotic Scanner Does Automated Eye Imaging
Benefits humans, does not identify replicants. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Can China Create Megawatt Solar Power Satellites By 2030?
'Our beams feed these worlds energy drawn from... the Sun.' - Isaac Asimov, 1941. (re: Isaac Asimov)

John Lennon Would Have Loved Auto-Tune - Paul McCartney
'It is the perfect voice.' Bernard Brown, 1931. (re: Bernard Brown)

Gherman Titov Youngest To Orbit, First To Be Space Sick
'For the first time since he left Earth he became space-sick.' - Hugo Gernsback, 1911. (re: Hugo Gernsback)

Reading Ancient Records Of Humanity, With AI's Help
'You could never consult Archival Records in a straightforward manner.' - Frank Herbert, 1984. (re: Frank Herbert)

Aquaer Brings Vaporators To Namibia
'The atmosphere yielded its moisture with reluctance.' - George Lucas, 1976. (re: George Lucas)

GIDE AI Tools 'See Days In Advance'
'what will go on here in the next half hour...' - Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Hundreds Of Covid-Catching AI Tools - None Help
'Plagues had been known to slay too rapidly and universally to be checked by human treatment.' Katherine MacLean, 1950. (re: Katherine MacLean)

Robot Snakes Now With Partitioned Gait
'The coil on the table appeared to be a snake...' - Greg Bear ,2009. (re: Greg Bear)

Will The Super Bowl Go To Pay Per View?
'...this afternoon’s football game cost each person who had one of the television screens one dollar for the privilege.' - Dr. David H. Keller, 1929. (re: Dr. David H. Keller)

Force Fields Of Directed Energy Wanted By USAF
'The downrushing bombs bounced off the cone-curtain of light as though from an invisible rubber wall.' - Frank Phillips, 1929. (re: Frank Phillips)

Israel Okays Third Covid Shot For Seniors
'All the vaccination shots up and down his arms, on his thighs and buttocks...' - Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Tesla Vs... Domino's? The Race For Autonomous Vehicles
'...some bored drone pusher in a remote driving centre has got your life - and half a dozen other lives - in his hands.' - Charles Stross, 2007. (re: Charles Stross)

SpaceX Starship A Giant Space Telescope?
'He used the great telescope which was built into the main axis of the ship...' - Max Valier, 1931. (re: Max Valier)

Florida Man Felt Harassed By Drone, Shoots It Down
'...a kid bounced a missile off a golden ball.' - Larry Niven, 1972. (re: Larry Niven)

Watch A Man Swallow A Robot
These just keep getting better. (re: Various)

Space Traffic Management (STM) Needs Action
'Approaching Earth, he called over the patrol frequency and asked for a parking orbit...' - Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Boring Company Bricks Predicted In 1929
'... used to make building blocks for these invaders.' - Frank Phillips, 1929. (re: Frank Phillips)

Hovering F-22 Raptor Predicted in 1929 (Sort Of)
'... it was so easy for me to remain motionless in midair.' - R.H. Roman, 1929. (re: R.H. Roman)

Musk Claims Sublimity For Future Summon Feature
'Once we move summon... to a single FSD stack, it will be sublime.' - Elon Musk, 2021. (re: John Campbell)

Is A Hollow Rotating Asteroid Habitat Practical?
'Inside, the centrifugal force gives an acceleration just equal to one earth gravity...'- John W. Campbell, 1932. (re: John W. Campbell)

AirCar Completes Flight, Transforms Into Groundcar
'... straight ahead stood a row of transparent objects that had to be the air-cars.' - Harry Bates, 1934 (re: Harry Bates)

Wandering Sunless Planets Seen By Kepler Telescope
'...the rocky barrenness of a wandering sunless planet.' - Isaac Asimov, 1946. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Voyager Luxury Space Hotel Launches In 2023
'A spinning web of steel wires, held rigid by centrifugal force, spread from it across a thousand miles of space.' - Jack Williamson, 1939. (re: Jack Williamson)

Instant Photography, Predicted By sf In 1929, Makes A Comeback
'... when the film is exposed in the camera the picture appears instantly and requires no development.' - Henri Dahl Juve, 1929. (re: Henri Dahl Juve)

How Can We Block An Asteroid?
How can we move through space free of the hazard of space rocks? (re: Miles J. Breuer)

Kaleido Color E-Reader Pocketbook Go
'At a touch, successive pages of the text appeared on it.' Stanislaw Lem, 1961. (re: Stanislaw Lem)

Quadruped Jueying Delivery Robot Brings Fresh Coffee
'... he rewired the delivery robot so that it would serve him midnight snacks.' - Robert Heinlein, 1962. (re: Robert Heinlein)

BioPod Inflatable Membrane From Interstellar Lab
'He puffed heavily as he angled around the bulbous lifezones...' - Gregory Benford, 1989. (re: Gregory Benford)

Antisatellite (ASAT) Measures And Countermeasures
'... the type that gets pirate three-vee satellites sanded out of orbit.' - John Brunner, 1975. (re: John Brunner)

Habitable Exoplanets Can See Us, As Well
What ever happened to 'intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes...' (re: HG Wells)

Snakebot Burrows Underground, Thanks To Biomimicry Of Multiple Species
'Seen close it was not completely flexible, but made instead of pivoted and smoothly finished segments.' Harry Harrison, 1962. (re: Harry Harrison)

Stretchable OLED Heart Monitor Band-Aid
You can't buy them in the store just yet. (re: Alastair Reynolds)

Can We Grow Crops On Mars?
Does Martian soil require remediation? (re: Gregory Benford)

How Long Have YOU Wanted A Household Robot?
'We followed in breathless amazement. In less than five minutes, bed number one was made...' - Elizabeth Bellamy, 1899. (re: Elizabeth Bellamy)

CopterPack Is Robert Heinlein's 1954 Copter Harness
'...a single flyer, hopping free in a copter harness.' - Robert Heinlein, 1954. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Amazen ZenBooth Dispenses Serenity At Amazon
'That's what I get for dialing zen, Joe said to himself.' - Philip K. Dick, 1969. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Digger Finger: Super-Sensitive Robot Fingers Predicted In 1931
'Migul's fingers with the extended filaments were feeling it... What an amazing development of science.' - Ray Cummings, 1931. (re: Ray Cummings)

Baubotanik - Construction Botany - Builds Bridges
'A dwelling must be all of a unit—the walls, the drainage, the decor grown in!' - Jack Vance, 1954. (re: Jack Vance)

ESA Awards Study For Lunar Satellite Communications And Navigation
'Messages drifted in - from liners and freighters, from police-ships, from yachts of space...' - Miller and McDermott, 1932. (re: Miller and McDermott)

Bigelow BEAM Still Useful On ISS
'It's a shame, ain't it, Frank—calling a pretty thing like that a 'bubb'—it's an ugly word. Or even a 'space bubble.' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1961. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

DARPA's Sarcasm Detector Totes Gets Your Drift
'TARS, what's your sarcasm setting?' '100 percent.' - from Interstellar. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Tokyo's Nakagin Capsule Tower Tear-Down, Neuromancer's Coffin Hotel Lives Forever
'Plastic capsules a meter high and three long, stacked like surplus Godzilla teeth...' - William Gibson, 1984. (re: William Gibson)

Robotic 'Third Thumb' Rewires Your Brain
'When he's connected up to your nervous system, you'll be able to make him whistle, hiss, roar, flap his wings and spit sparks...' - Samuel R. Delany, 1966. (re: Samuel R. Delany)

AliveCor Claims Apple Watch Infringes ECG Patents
'...a sweet mezzo-soprano voice remarked in a conversational tone: "I think you should sit down and rest for about ten minutes.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1978. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Triple Star System Tears Apart Its Planetary Disk
'Our planet, Ev, hangs spinning in the triangle formed by the three, and the three suns revolve slowly around it.' - Edwin K. Sloat, 1933. (re: Edwin K. Sloat)

Ford's In-Car Ads From Billboards
'It would soon squeeze in and harangue him in the cranky, garbagey fashion of the Nitz advertisements.' Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

TransAstra Lunar Mining Idea Was Max Valier's In 1931
'This concentrated sunlight... would cause subsurface ice to sublimate into water vapor...' - Max Valier, 1931. (re: Max Valier)

Tic-Tac-Toe Robot From Pollen Robotics
'Was all his talk about the consciousness and intelligence of machines merely a prelude...' - Ambrose Bierce, 1910. (re: Ambrose Bierce)

Rich (and Regular) People Should Stop Eating Meat, Says Bill Gates
'You can get used to the taste difference.' - Bill Gates, 2021. (re: William Gibson)

IconicSounds Electric - BMW EV Scored By Hans Zimmer
'...and a sound tape to supply the noise.' - Robert Heinlein, 1985. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Soft Polymer 'Synaptic Transistors' Mimic Brain Plasticity
'He had then applied countless different electrical vibrations to this metallic brain-stuff...' - Edmond Hamilton, 1926. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

'Human Augmentation' Necessary, Says Space Force Scientist
'Neural circuits buzzed and every sense and response in his body was accelerated by a ratio of five.' - Alfred Bester, 1956. (re: Alfred Bester)

Grow Wood Without Trees
Pretty soon, you'll start seeing this term on very expensive items. (re: Pohl and Kornbluth)

Biohybrid Robotics USArmy Adds Muscle Tissue To Robots
'Great rectangular slabs of muscle, slung into a rectangular frame.' - Jack Vance, 1967. (re: Jack Vance)

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