Science Fiction in the News:
Science and Technology News

Pneumatic Micro-Tentacles Kidnapping Ants
'Long, flexible, glittering tentacles...'- H.G. Wells, 1898. (re: H.G. Wells)

Bee Narcs To Perform Drug 'Stings'
'Time for a replacement of both Behren and his dipterous insect...'- Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

3D Printed Spherical Flying Machine
'Gold dots against blue, basketball-sized, twelve feet up....' - Larry Niven, 1972. (re: Larry Niven)

Airbus E-Fan All-Electric Plane Now Ready
I couldn't believe it, either. An amazing technical feat. (re: John W. Campbell)

Robot Swarms Improve Culture By Forgetting
'My mind was filled to the splitting point...' - Roger Zelazny, 1976. (re: Roger Zelazny)

Melomics Avant Garde Computer Musician
'Rollo sat at the keyboard, prim, inhuman, rigid, twin lenses focused somewhere off into the shadows...'- Herbert Goldstone, 1953. (re: Herbert Goldstone)

Nanotech Used To Create Custom Water Filters In Tanzania
'People started out squeamish about Clearsacs...'- Paolo Bacigalupi, 2015. (re: Paolo Bacigalupi)

This Robot Swordmaster: Yaskawa Bushido Project
'The instrument of prisms and target could not think, feel caution or remorse. And it carried a real blade.'- Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

Samsung's Transparent Display Finally As Big As HG Wells'
Did I mention that HG Wells also figured out that 16x9 is the shape for a TV to have. (re: HG Wells)

Thync Mood-Changing Wearable Device
'Very gently, hypnotically, the electronic pulses throbbed in the frontal lobes of his brain.'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

What Science Fiction Inspires Russia's New Robot?
Russian science fiction fans had their own inspirations. (re: Various)

LightSail Solar Sail Deploys
'This was the first time any solar yacht had ever attained it...'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1964. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Living Concrete Repairs Itself
Science fiction fans were given this idea in 1951. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

HEL MD Laser Weapons Will Sound Like Star Wars, Star Trek
Considering how important the film's sound track is, the sounds of Star Wars weapons are not described in the original novel. (re: Niven/Pournelle) And The Quest For A Digital Personal Assistant
'In McKie's thoughts, the DS [Daily Schedule] was suddenly transformed into a valued confidante.'- Frank Herbert, 1977. (re: Frank Herbert)

First Biolimb Grown In Lab
A brand-new forelimb for some lucky rat. (re: Frank Herbert)

Suit Up! Fifty Years Of Spacewalks Video
'I experienced for a few minutes the delicious, indescribable pleasure of being a little planet...'- Garrett P. Serviss, 1898. (re: Garrett P. Serviss)

Do Mutant Chickens Offer 'Maximum, Diabolical Meatiness'?
'They've got ones that specialize in drumsticks too...'- Margaret Atwood, 2003. (re: Margaret Atwood)

Google Project Soli - Control Devices With A Gesture
'He waved his hand and the circuit switched...'- Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick)

SoundCloud's Hound Provides Conversational Interface (Video)
'The machines had logic, and they could think constantly...'- John W. Campbell, 1935. (re: John W. Campbell)

Robot Swarm Performs Colonoscopy And Biopsy
'There was ... the Seven Minute Special...'- Neal Stephenson, 1995. (re: Neal Stephenson)

Autonomous Cars: Who Is Responsible For Driving?
It's been a criminal offense for at least a hundred years to drive manually on a public highway.- Arthur C. Clarke, 1976. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Rotating Domespace House Is Amazing
'Give me an old-fashioned tetragon on a central pivot every time.'- Frank Herbert, 1972. (re: Frank Herbert)

Vertical Farms? Still Waiting, But Concepts Abound
'Stacked up to the sky...' - Pohl and Kornbluth, 1951. (re: Pohl and Kornbluth)

Vat-Grown Burgers Getting Cheaper
'They gotta raise a whole animal for years and then they kill it. ' William Gibbons, 1984. (re: William Gibson)

Self-Driving Truck Corridor From Manitoba To Mexico?
This might be the safer idea... (re: Miles J. Breuer)

Electronic Tongue Knows Beer Better Than You
'Install taste buds in the end of one tentacle.'- Anthony Boucher, 1943. (re: Anthony Boucher)

NASA's Robotic Mining Competition
''Dave,'[Powell] said. 'You're a stable, rock-bottom mining robot...'- Isaac Asimov, 1944. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Should Humanity Switch To Robotic Pets?
'What about an exact electric duplicate of your cat?'- Philip K. Dick, 1968. (re: Philip K. Dick)

L'Oreal To 3D Print Human Skin
'...She helped the doctor spray on surrogate skin.'- Robert Heinlein, 1951. (re: Robert Heinlein)

LG Display Creates OLED Wallpaper
'A television that unrolled like a poster...'- Larry Niven, 1976 (re: Larry Niven)

Cool Foldable Mini-Quadcopter
'Eddie pocketed the bee cam...'- Karen Traviss. 2004. (re: Karen Traviss)

NASA's Subvocal Speech System
'She took a subvocal input device from its rack...'- David Brin, 1990. (re: David Brin)

Cicada UAV Dropped In Swarms
'We... dropped roughly a thousand eyes on Beta Hydri IV.'- Robert Silverberg, 1969. (re: Robert Silverberg)

AI's Now Being Taught Anger
Actually the Prime Radiant was just a display device. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Cicret Interactive Skin Display Prototype
'A strip of readout skin on my wrist...'- John Varley, 1992. (re: John Varley)

Lily Camera Video Sport Selfie Drone
'He set his camera to follow him, and it hovered behind him like a large tame bee.'- Karen Traviss, 2004. (re: Karen Traviss)

Metal Composite Floats Your Boat
'A metal that was apparently as light as cork and stronger than steel...' - Edgar Rice Burroughs, 1929. (re: Edgar Rice Burroughs)

Six Terabyte Solid State Drive Just 2.5 Inches
'A man or woman could carry AIs or complete planetary dataspheres...' (re: Dan Simmons)

Israeli 'Food Replicator' Inspired By Star Trek
Any food you like, instantly! (re: Gene Roddenberry)

Robotic Trash Can Wants Your Garbage
'The can pivoted on broad rubber treads and rolled toward her...'- Bruce Sterling, 1988. (re: Bruce Sterling)

Microbes To Terraform Mars?
'Terraform the little rock...'- Jack Williamson, 1941. (re: Jack Williamson)

NASA FINDER To The Rescue In Nepal
'The antennae of the Life Detector atop the OP swept back and forth...'- Frank Herbert, 1958. (re: Frank Herbert)

NailO Thumb-Mounted Mouse Needs John Varley's Help
I think that NailO needs a display and a keyboard. (re: John Varley)

Surreal iPhone Ad Video Parody Channels Dick, Heinlein
'... the audio relay is buried surgically...'- Robert Heinlein, 1951. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Walker Robot Helps The Elderly
'The robant and the tiny old woman entered the control room slowly...'- Philip K. Dick, 1953. (re: Philip K. Dick)

What's Another Word For The Army's Handheld Ray Guns?
'I was holding my Blaster pointing ahead of me...'- Nictin, Dyalhis, 1925. (re: Nictzin Dyalhis)

Tyson Says Asteroid Miners Will Be First Trillionaires
'...Come together here under the influence of their mutual gravitation, and formed a little metallic planet.'- Garrett P. Serviss, 1898. (re: Garrett P. Serviss)

Zap Space Debris With Telescope Laser On ISS
'... their lasers vaporized the smaller satellites...'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1978. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Moran Cerf, When Will We Get Neuro Tech For Ourselves?
If brainwave-sensing consumer products tickle your fancy, try real science! (re: Philip K. Dick)

Velkess Energy Storage System (It's A Flexible Flywheel!)
'The kinetic man unjacked Lalji’s kink-springs from the winding treadmills...'- Paolo Bacigalupi, 2005. (re: Paolo Bacigalupi)

Performance Enhancing Drugs - In Gaming?
'A faint smell of rachag stimulant wafted down the table.'- Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Various)

Automated Treadmill Adjusts To Your Pace
'The auto-treadmill's bumps and gullies matched...'- David Brin, 1994. (re: David Brin)

Mr. Anderton, Beware This Long-Range Iris Scanner
Try keeping your eyes shut, Mr. Anderton. (re: Steven Spielberg)

Mini Statues Of You From 3D Images
'...A three-dimensional simulacrum of himself six inches high took form.'- Jack Vance, 1954. (re: Jack Vance)

'Forever' Camera Powered By Its Own Images
'What I have in this camera is not a record of what you did just now but what will go on here in the next half hour...'- Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Robot Chef Makes Thousands Of Dinners
'I got one of those new electronic cameras... and I could construct this one to do it exactly right down to the thousandth of a second.'- Anthony Boucher, 1943. (re: Anthony Boucher)

Revault Wearable Private Cloud Is Too Vaporous
'A man or woman could carry AIs or complete planetary dataspheres...'- Dan Simmons, 1989. (re: Dan Simmons)

Spacex Sticks Landing! But Neglects Lateral Forces
Elon Musk and Spacex engineers will not be denied! (re: Various)

Lumo Projector Turns Kids Rooms Into Bradbury's Veldt
'The walls began to purr and recede... and presently an African veldt appeared...'- Ray Bradbury, 1951. (re: Ray Bradbury)

Ground Control Space Beer
Ninkasi Brewing Co. has its own space program. I'm impressed. (re: Michael Crichton)

Google Wants To Give Orders To Robot Armies
Just how many devices are they interested in controlling? (re: George Lucas)

Gestures Control Spider Robot Army
'What do you think - four spiders, one per floor?' As seen in Minority Report, the movie. (re: Steven Spielberg)

Hologram Protest World's First
'Their bodies were in their dwelling cells, but their telucid images filled the hall.'- RF Starzl, 1931. (re: RF Starzl)

SoSITE: US Pilots To Command DARPA Drone Army
'With a click of his pinky he brought up a pop-up menu, then selected *Kill Everyone*'- Daniel Suarez, 2009. (re: Daniel Suarez)

Asterank Database Identifies Profitable Asteroids
'Now it was a huge, charted, floating ore deposit for the entire Solar System.'- Nelson S. Bond, 1941. (re: Nelson S. Bond)

Pepper Spray Drones Do Crowd Control For Indian Police
'Basketball-sized, twelve feet up... they were there to enforce the law...'- Larry Niven, 1972. (re: Larry Niven)

Man-Made Earthquakes Now A Reality
Fracking yields unexpected increase in energy. Earthquake energy, that is. (re: Various)

Love That Shear Thickening Fluid Body Armor
'The pressure suit was soft ... instantly became rigid all over when something struck it...'- Larry Niven, 1966. (re: Larry Niven)

SpiderFab Spider Robots To Weave Space Structures
'It extrudes material like a spider. How many legs would you have given it?'- Charles Sheffield, 1979. (re: Charles Sheffield)

Zoom Contact Lenses
'You've got DreamTime technology in contact lenses?'- Niven and Barnes, 1992. (re: Niven and Barnes)

Kirobo The First Companion Robot In Space (Guinness)
What is your favorite companion robot? In fiction, that is. (re: Various)

Budgee Robot Carries Your Bags
'From now until his credit expired the machine would carry his bag in its soft plastic jaws...'- John Brunner, 1975. (re: John Brunner)

Will Google Autonomous Cars Have Advertisements?
'He groaned and shook his head to clear it.'- Philip K.Dick (re: Philip K. Dick)

China Plans Orbiting Solar Power Station
'Our beams feed these worlds energy drawn from... the Sun.'- Isaac Asimov, 1941. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Autonomous Vehicle By Delphi Goes Coast-to-Coast
''All right, sir or madam,' the MacMillan robot answered...' - Philip K. Dick, 1954. (re: Philip K. Dick)

NASA's VestaTrek - Visit Asteroid Vesta
'At the Asteroids Homesteaders' School in Chicago... he had been shown diagrams and photographs of Vesta.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1951. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

Periscope App Signals End Of Journalism
'Jerry berry... panned the camera...'- Larry Niven, 1972. (re: Larry Niven)

Rollkers Walking Skates
'Each had three small, rubber-covered wheels, one in front and two in the rear.'- Hugo Gernsback, 1911. (re: Hugo Gernsback)

Google Patents Douglas Adam's Genuine People Personalities For Robots
'Let's build robots with Genuine People Personalities,' they said.'- Douglas Adams, 1979. (re: Douglas Adams)

Fix Michigan Roads, Or Get Hovercars?
'Dead for many years was the old concept of smooth, hard-surfaced, almost polished highways...'- Clifford Simak, 1961. (re: Clifford Simak)

eMotionButterfly Ultralight Robot From Festo
'Artificial butterflies darted along invisible beams...'- Roger Zelazny, 1980. (re: Roger Zelazny)

Graphene Cytobot - Cyborg Bacterial Spores May Help Astronauts
'[It] had not yet objected to being made over into a portion of an electronic system... '- Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

XM82 Personal Flamethrower Now In Development
'Skeletons in tatters. Burned by a flesh gun'- Alfred Bester, 1974. (re: Alfred Bester)

Delightful Plen2 Mirror Robot - The Anti-Terminator
The anti-Terminator. (re: Various)

LiquiGlide Will Be Everywhere
'They poured the remnants of eggs out of their frictionless cups...'- Larry Niven, 1973. (re: Larry Niven)

US Customs Now Doing Facial Recognition At DC Airport
Are you who you say you are? (re: Schachner and Zagat)

How Many Systems In That Galactic Empire Now?
'An Empire to twenty million stellar systems...'- Isaac Asimov, 1953. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Petman Robot Pushes Itself To The Limit
'There was the butler robot, hard at work, his copper face expressionless...'- Frederik Pohl, 1954. (re: Frederik Pohl)

Coleus LED 'Skylight' Dispenses Natural Sunlight Indoors
'How do they work it so that the sky is visible at every level of the city?'- Stanislaw Lem, 1961. (re: Stanislaw Lem)

UR3 Robot At Work On Copies Of Itself
'I don't mean that you should construct this ultra-microrobot with your own fingers, of course...'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1937. (re: Raymond Z Gallun)

3D Printing 'Terminator T-1000-Style'
Not quite 'a mimetic polyalloy...' (re: Various)

Norlin Shoe Drone Robot UAV In-Store Delivery Thing
'Robot-salesmen were everywhere, gesturing, pleading, shrilling.'- Philip K Dick, 1954. (re: Philip K Dick)

Bridge-MINDER Repair Robot
'The repair robots had started out on their rounds...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1954. (re: Stanislaw Lem)

Super Ball Bot Tensegrity Robot For Solar System Exploration
'Each leg in turn acted as a pivot around which the creature whirled its body...'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1972. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

iSkin On-Body Touch Sensors
'Three rows of four colored dots appeared on the heel of my left hand.'- John Varley, 1992. (re: John Varley)

Britain To Build Spaceport, First In Europe
'The space-ports at the three great cities...'- Breuer/Williamson, 1930. (re: Breuer and Williamson)

MC10 Electronics Skin Stickers
'Every diaper... a fine copper wire…' - David H. Keller, 1928. (re: David H. Keller)

Robot Brains Improved By Darwinian Evolution
'The new species. Evolution. The race to come after man.'- Philip K. Dick, 1953. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Self-Deployable Habitat For Extreme Environments
'When you buy one of them, you don't need to tie up to an electric outlet.'- Clifford Simak, 1952. (re: Clifford Simak)

Audi's Chairless Chair Lower Body Exoskeleton
'Solved the problem to some extent by devising rigid metallic clothing...'- Edmond Hamilton, 1929. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

CreoPop 3D Pen Draws In Midair
'It makes drawings in the air...'- Murray Leinster, 1945. (re: Murray Leinster)

Seattle Police Body Cams, Ala Stross, Ala Dick
'Let's hear it for the vague blur!'- Philip K. Dick, 1977. (re: Charles Stross)

Autonomous Cars Will Own Themselves
'The robot drew his cab up before Eric's modest six-room bungalow.'- Philip K. Dick, 1952. (re: Philip K. Dick)

World's First 3D Printed Villa
'It makes drawings in the air following drawings...'- Murray Leinster, 1945. (re: Murray Leinster)

Hyperloop Track Starts Next Year
All aboard! This is not just a test track, or a scale model. This is the real deal. (re: Harl Vincent)

Brainflight Brain-Controlled Drone
'Mr Gant, you must think in Russian. Can you do that?'- 1982 film 'Firefox' (re: Various)

Students Control Lab Experiments Remotely Via App
'Hello, Europa... Is this your robot I'm looking at, in sector 94?'- James Blish, 1957. (re: James Blish)

ROBEAR Nursing Care Robot
What other robots are strong enough to carry you? Do you want them to do so? (re: Katsuhiro Otomo)

Testing New Spacesuits In 1929 And 2015
'I'm going to pump the air from this room... so that the interior will be like airless and pressure-less space.'- Otto Willi Gail, 1929. (re: Otto Willi Gail)

Space Station Kitchens 1929 and 2015
'Plates and cups ... slowly floated down to the floor and were not broken.'- Otto Willi Gail, 1929. (re: Otto Willi Gail)

Volvo's 'Drive Me' Program Offers Autonomous Cars In 2017
'She woke just before the signal from the car which would have called her...'- Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Squad X Core Technologies For Infantry
'You can flip through your several types of radar displays quicker than you can change channels to avoid a commercial...'- Robert Heinlein, 1959. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Neptune Duo Smartwatch Wearable Wristband
'[He] pressed several buttons on the wide bracelet he wore upon his left wrist...'- Roger Zelazny, 1980. (re: Roger Zelazny)

FAA Drone Rules Beta Ready For Comments
Drones, big and small, you're going to like them all. (re: EB White)

'Cortical Modem' Latest On DARPA's Wishlist
'...inside his skull... is a little cylinder, that neuronic receptor-transmitter.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1938. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

The Martians Are On Their Way!
'Dense clouds of smoke or dust, visible through a powerful telescope on earth...'- HG Wells, 1898. (re: HG Wells)

GuardBot Robotic Sphere Of War
Much more ominous looking when they come after you. (re: Various)

Sony Aibo Robotic Dog Now With No Repairmen
'...they break down and then everyone in the building knows.'- Philip K. Dick, 1968. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Autonomous Car Outperforms Professional Race Driver
'Khan grinned. 'It's alive! Bu-wahhahahah!''- Daniel Suarez, 2009. (re: Daniel Suarez)

Vint Cerf's 'Digital Dark Age' Vs. George Orwell's
'You could never consult Archival Records in a straightforward manner.'- Frank Herbert, 1984. (re: Frank Herbert)

GimBall Indoor Search Drone From Flyability
'Twice the usual number of copseyes floated overhead'- Larry Niven. (re: Larry Niven)

Meet Spot, The Electric Quadrupedal, Er, Robot Dog
They still can't roll over, because they avoid being rolled over. (re: Philip K Dick)

Meet Samsung's SmartTV Telescreen
'The City Fathers overheard everything one said...' - James Blish, 1957. (re: James Blish)

Sea Slug Feeds On Sunlight With Genes From Its Food
'You've surely noticed the green skin tone of your new body.'- John Scalzi, 2005. (re: John Scalzi)

Emoti-Chair Lets You Hear Through Your Skin
'Take hold of these knobs on the arms of your chair...'- Aldous Huxley, 1932. (re: Aldous Huxley)

Forget Longevity, How About Super-Intelligence?
'It was clearly domelike and oddly fragile-looking...'- Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

The Poet Is A Computer
'The potentiometers indicated the machine's lyrical capacitance was charged to the maximum...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965. (re: Stanislaw Lem)

Minister Wants To Convert Artificial Intelligences To Christianity
'Getting to his feet he crossed the waiting room to the Padre booth...'- Philip K. Dick, 1969. (re: Robert Silverberg)

Robots Learn Cooking By Watching Videos - Foreseen In 1943
'It's done with a flip of the third joint of the tentacle on the down beat.'- Anthony Boucher, 1943. (re: Anthony Boucher)

Bigelow Gets FAA Backing For Moon
'Above them a dome of transparent plastic kept the fresh spring-scented air in...'- Philip K. Dick (re: Philip K. Dick)

Henn-na Robot Hotel
'... hotels that specialized in non-human service.'- Harry Harrison, 1970. (re: Harry Harrison)

Will We Mine The Moon For Ice?
'That's okay, still ice in The Rock and a miner expects to sound for it...'- Robert Heinlein, 1966. (re: Robert Heinlein)

RFID Chip Implants Required In Epicenter Office Block In Sweden
Replace those ID cards... with ID chips! (re: John Twelve Hawks)

Data Mining Computers Detect Your Emotions
'I can tell from your voice harmonics, Dave, that you're badly upset.'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1968. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

DJI Phantom Drone Now With GPS Blocking
'Workarounds were illegal and the fines were expensive...'- Greg Bear 2007. (re: Greg Bear)

OMOTE Face Hackers At Work Video
'...a video-manicuring program came on line.'- Bruce Sterling, 1985. (re: Bruce Sterling)

Vroom! Your Car Or Truck's Engine Noise Might Be Fake
'... a sound tape to supply the noise'- Robert Heinlein, 1985. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Care-O-Bot 4 Personal Service Robot
'Beside her moved a gleaming robant...'- Philip K. Dick, 1953. (re: Stanton Coblentz)

Skin Wearable Harvests Power With Triboelectric Effect
'He had tightened the chest to gain maximum pumping action...'- Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

EDSAP Wearable Stroke Detection
'His Altec cephalochromoscope, around which he had built the pleasure part of his schedule...'- Philip K. Dick, 1977. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Brand Killer Helmet Blocks Real-Life Ads
'Some merely held the holos [ads] at arm's length.'- John Varley, 1977. (re: John Varley)

In Vivo Micromotors Powered By Stomach Acid
First in vivo study of artificial micromotors. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Synthetic 'Squid Skin' For Camouflage On The Way
'The small, chameleon-clad figures continued to advance.'- Gordon R. Dickson, 1960. (re: Gordon R. Dickson)

3D Printer 'Teleports' Objects Like Simak's Way Stations
'An entirely new being but exactly like the old one'- Clifford Simak, 1963. (re: Clifford Simak)

Laser Etching Makes Metal Super-Hydrophobic
'The water flowed off those walls without binding tension.'- Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

Patient Walks Out With Fully Artificial Heart
'The throb of the robot pump gave him confidence...'- Philip K. Dick, 1960. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Radisens' Gemini Instant Blood Tests
It's a step toward a universal medical testing device. (re: Larry Niven)

Nonhuman Artist Collective Keeps Robot Artist Earnings Until Legal
The artists should be paid for their work, don't you think? (re: Various)

Argentine Orangutan Receives Basic Human Rights
'They wouldn't dare let the Fuzzies be proven sapient...'- Little Fuzzy, 1962. (re: H. Beam Piper)

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