Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Lower Limit For Nanobot Size Discovered
Scientists and science fiction writers must accept new limits to imagination, thanks to a remarkable first-ever measurement. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Domo Robot: Unstructured Interaction Over Time
Designed specifically to interact with people in unstructred environments for long periods, not just short tasks. (re: Issac Asimov)

VirtuSphere Immersive Virtual Reality
A key enabling technology for a working star trek holodeck. (re: Gene Roddenberry)

First Undersea Restaurant
Ithaa opened just forty years after Jack Vance wrote about them. (re: Jack Vance)

Liftport Closer To Space Elevator Goal
Liftport Group has moved closer to making a working space elevator this past week. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Fab Tree Hab And The Houses Of Iszm
Imagine a society in which living tree structures were used instead of dead lumber; Jack Vance has done it, and so have MIT grads. (re: Jack Vance)

Light Captured In A Crystal
Normally speedy light stopped for a full second in a crystal by Australian researchers. (re: Bob Shaw)

Maru Robot Networked Like I, Robot's NS5
The network-enabled robot has a bipedal, humanoid appearance; software is downloaded via the wireless Internet. (re: Harry Harrison)

Southampton Remedi Hand Beats Hollywood
Better than Hollywood special effects, it provides more degrees of freedom and advanced feedback control. (re: George Lucas)

Shelter After Katrina
Readers wrote in suggesting that perhaps science fiction writers had some ideas that could be of practical use. (re: Various)

DARPA's Walrus and Griffith's War-Balloons
Not your great-grandfather's airship, the Walrus will be able to lift a fighting force. (re: George Griffith)

Philips Readius E-Reader With Rollable Display
First prototype of a rollable display electronic document reader. (re: William Gibson)

Klotho Anti-Aging Gene
A gene in mice and men may give long life, but not without a possible price. (re: Larry Niven)

HELLADS: Lightweight Laser Cannon
Ultra-light High Energy Liquid Lasers are coming. (re: Niven/Pournelle)

The Robotic Blanket Project And The Hunting Robe
The robotic blanket interacts with users; the hunting robe traps them. (re: Clifford Simak)

Babelfish Necklace: Environment Translator
Provides a 3D soundscape, 'translating' the environment for the visually impaired. (re: Douglas Adams)

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