AI Note-Taking From Google Meet
'... the new typewriter that could be talked to, and which transposed the spoken sound into typed words.' - Dr. David H. Keller, 1934.
(re: David H. Keller, 8/9/2024 ) |
WiFi and AI Team Up To See Through Walls
'The pitiless M rays pierced Earth and steel and densest concrete as if they were so much transparent glass...' - Nat Schachner, 1937.
(re: Nat Schachner, 6/10/2024 ) |
Microsoft VASA-1 Creates Personal Video From A Photo
'...to build up a video picture would require, say, ten million decisions every second. Mike, you're so fast I can't even think about it. But you aren't that fast.' - Robert Heinlein, 1966.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 4/14/2024 ) |
LG Smart Home AI Agent
'...this house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep.' - Ray Bradbury, 1951.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 1/10/2024 ) |
AI Tries To Replicate Famous People
'Religion’s one thing, Mr. Leckesh, but immortality’s something else. Lo says immortality’s no big problem anymore.' - Rudy Rucker, 1986.
(re: Rudy Rucker, 1/2/2024 ) |
Teslas Have Minds, Says Elon Musk
'The machine scans the patterns of the mind; ...Impress these same waves on a robot computer.' - Frederik Pohl, 1955.
(re: Frederik Pohl, 8/3/2023 ) |
Do AIs Create Their Own Language?
'the Mentanicals have begun to acquire a faculty not primarily given them by their inventors — the faculty of speech...' - Francis Flagg, 1934.
(re: Francis Flagg, 6/1/2022 ) |
Back In The Office? Relearn To Smile
'I must, therefore, overrule your authority, since you are not in any condition to exercise it intelligently.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1968.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 3/27/2022 ) |
ARTUu AI Copilot For USAF
'A series of short beep's and chirps issued from his speaker...' - George Lucas, 1976.
(re: George Lucas, 12/9/2020 ) |
A.I. Jesus Proclaims Machine Gospel
'... he crossed the waiting room to the Padre booth; inside he put a dime into the slot and dialed at random.' - Philip K. Dick, 1969.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 8/23/2020 ) |
Memes Now Come From Neural Nets
'Your order said for him to be able to be able to work out twists on the gags in the file...' - William Tenn, 1951.
(re: William Tenn, 5/7/2020 ) |
Robot Teaches Itself To Walk
'My whole idea is to get away from a machine with a set of prearranged instructions, and let them teach themselves by trial and error.' - Stephen Barr, 1960.
(re: Stephen Barr, 2/19/2020 ) |
Neural Net Discovers Antibiotic
'...instantly the TEMS was ... creating and discarding scores of new sciences.' - John M. Faucet, 1968.
(re: John M. Faucette, 2/5/2020 ) |
Pun Generation Via Neural Nets
'You said you wanted him to be able to distinguish between laugh-power in different gags...' - William Tenn, 1951.
(re: William Tenn, 6/23/2019 ) |
LawGeex AI Beats 20 Top Lawyers
'The Law Society has strict rules on the use of pseudo-intelligent software - terrified of putting... its members out of work.' - Greg Egan, 1991.
(re: Greg Egan, 10/29/2018 ) |
Alibaba's AI May Read Better Than You
'Mike ... could accept other languages and was doing technical translating - and reading endlessly.' - Robert Heinlein, 1966.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 1/22/2018 ) |
Dadbot Digital Immortality
'A hardwired ROM cassette replicating a dead man's skills...' - William Gibson, 1984.
(re: William Gibson, 7/27/2017 ) |
Deep Learning Creates New Faces
'a million and a half physiognomic fraction-representations of various people...' - Philip K. Dick, 1977.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 5/22/2017 ) |
Xiaoice AI Now A Poet
'How can you compete with an IBM heavy-duty logomatic analogue?'- JG Ballard, 1971.
(re: JG Ballard, 5/16/2017 ) |
China Now Has Robot Journalists
'A vast complex electronic organism buried deep in the ground, responsible to no one...' - Philip K. Dick, 1963.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 1/16/2017 ) |
Jazz AI Compliments Of DARPA
'I request that you feed the correlation between those dots and the levers of the panel into my memory banks.' - Herbert Goldstone, 1953.
(re: Herbert Goldstone, 8/9/2015 ) |
The Poet Is A Computer
'The potentiometers indicated the machine's lyrical capacitance was charged to the maximum...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965.
(re: Stanislaw Lem, 2/5/2015 ) |
DARPA Shredder Challenge Won!
In which DARPA creates a 'Who can put Humpty Dumpty back together again' challenge for document mavens.
(re: Vernor Vinge, 12/4/2011 ) |
Dr. Watson Will See You Soon
Will Watson be the right computer to crack one of the intractable problems in medicine - namely, the failure of expert systems to assist or augment doctors.
(re: Gene Roddenbaerry, 2/23/2011 ) |
And DARPA Shall SMITE The Wicked
Predicting future crime is always a bit tricky - especially when you plan to do it without the usual three precogs.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 5/24/2010 ) |
Smart Video Cams - DARPA's Mind's Eye
It would be cool to have a sort of video camera robot that could make its own surveillance videos for you. Well, it's been done in sf and done in real life.
(re: Karen Traviss, 3/18/2010 ) |
Computer, Heal Thyself - With ClearView
When you can read about an idea fifty years before it's implemented (and in an entertaining story to boot), that's good value.
(re: James Blish, 11/1/2009 ) |
Computer Learns Sign Language From TV
Human beings just don't have that many ways to communicate basic (ie, life-sustaining) ideas in ways that are outside the realm of a computer's understanding. Now, another safety barrier falls.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 7/15/2009 ) |
SHUTi - Automated Online Insomnia Treatment
A recent clinical trial has demonstrated that an automated online system can provide treatment for insomnia that is at least as effective as that provided by human therapists. With video.
(re: Philip K. Dick, 7/8/2009 ) |
AIs Take DEFCON-Based 'Turing Test'
What kind of money does it take to convince human programmers to vie for the honor of training SkyNet? Five hundred bucks.
(re: John Badham, 6/20/2009 ) |
Smart Goggles Identify, Remember What You See
Interesting prototype system cuts across a variety of science-fictional ideas, among them, an AI that has people working for it - identifying common objects.
(re: Amitav Ghosh, 3/4/2008 ) |
Cybernetic Jellyfish Evolve
Interesting art video and Sterling/Rucker short story come together.
(re: Rudy Rucker/Bruce Sterling, 3/9/2007 ) |
Rity - Sobot Longs To Be Near You
This remarkable experiment demonstrates that a computer program can download itself into objects to serve you.
(re: Frederik Pohl, 12/3/2006 ) |
Singularity Summit At Stanford
Must-attend summit at Stanford on the technological Singularity bearing down on all of us like a runaway train.
(re: Vernor Vinge, 4/13/2006 ) |
Crime-Fighting Computer - The Game's Afoot 24x7
Computer scientists in Chicago have created the Classification System for Serial Criminal Patterns (CSSCP), a computer system that uses pattern-recognition software to sift through case records to find the link (and the perpetrator) connecting differ
(re: Harry Harrison, 12/6/2004 ) |
RocketScore Tells You Your SAT Essay Score
You now have an online teacher and evaluator - RocketScore, the artificially intelligent grader that provides a prediction of the score your essay will get on the SAT.
(re: James Blish, 10/18/2004 ) |
Adaptive Cruise Control
Adaptive cruise control implemented in just one out of five cars could significantly improve highway safety and reduce traffic jams, according to a recent study by a University of Michigan physicist.
(re: Robert Heinlein, 8/2/2004 ) |
Chess Computer Ties Kasparov
Gary Kasparov, the world's number one chess player, has drawn X3D Fritz, the chess playing supercomputer. Fritz succeeded in beating rival Deep Blue, which had defeated Kasparov in 1997.
(re: Ambrose Bierce, 11/19/2003 ) |
Speech Recognition Algorithms Improve
Scientists at the University of California, San Diego have created a new formula that improves upon the Good-Turing algorythm and may lead to better quality speech recognition.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 10/21/2003 ) |