Neuromancer by William Gibson:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas

Remarkable first novel won the Nebula Award, the Hugo Award and the Philip K. Dick Memorial Award. The novel kicks off the cyberpunk movement in earnest with the story of Case, a computer hacker unable to practice his trade because his brain was burned out by a former client. He is hired to commit a daring act of computer theft by a new client who is not what he (or it) seems.

(('Neuromancer' by William Gibson)

Select an invention:

Computer-Created Dub
Music created by an artificially intelligent computer for a specific audience.

Construct (Digital) - persona in software
A stored version of a person's particular skills and personal approaches to problems.

A means of quickly administering drugs directly through the skin.

Electromagnetic Shotgun - take out an AI
A device to shut down an artificial intelligence if it becomes dangerous.

Freeside Orbital Resort
A resort that orbits the Earth.

ICE (intrusion countermeasures electronics) - anti-hacker
Electronic protection for computer databases.

Boost the signal from the eyes to see in the dark.

Implanted Microprocessor Monitor
Chips that are implanted in people to ensure compliance with company rules.

JAL Shuttle
Shuttle capable of attaining low earth orbit.

Joeboy (Muscle Grafts) - got muscles?
Additional muscle tissue added through surgery.

Kuang Grade Mark Eleven Penetration Program
Chinese virus software for breaking the ICE.

Lado-Acheson System
A device for "pumping in" sunlight into an enclosed space habitat.

Low-Gravity Velodrome
A bicycle track in an orbital resort.

Meat Puppet
A person with a neural cut out chip; the chip allows computer software to completely control their actions.

Microsoft - the cool kind
A small piece of firmware inserted into the brain that provides data on a particular subject, or special features, for the user.

Mimetic Polycarbon Suit - urban camouflage
Clothing made from a fiber that could change colors based on either recorded images or real-time picture input.

Mirrorshades - Surgically Inset Glasses - why buy expensive frames?
Glasses that were implanted in the face of the wearer.

Neural Cut Out Chip - makes a meat puppet
An electronic device which, when implanted in the brain of the subject, allows software to take over that person's body..

Nikon Eyes - cultivated eyes
Artificially cultivated eyes that can be transplanted to replace (or repair) your original pair.

Panther Modern
Cyberterrorists for hire.

Privacy Screen
A device that shields occupants from all possible forms of electronic intrusion and surveillance.

Surgically implanted blades under the fingernails.

Repair Drone
Autonomous robots repair damage or sabotage.

Robot Crab - robot gardener
An automated gardener.

Selected Melanin Boosting - designer tan
The only way to get a designer tan.

SimStim - playback your internal experience
Stimulation of the brain and nervous system of one person using a recording (or live broadcast) of another person's experience.

Talking Head - retro output device
A mechanical head (with an analog voice) used as the output terminal for a computer.

Temporary Quarters - interior tents
Device used to separate a large interior space in an off-planet satellite into various living spaces.

Toothbud Transplant - implanted teeth
Implanted teeth that mimic the dentition of other species.

Tug Space-going version of the ocean vehicle
A small space vehicle, used to provide a push or pull to objects floating in space without propulsion systems.

Vat Grown Meat - no animals harmed
Meat tissue for consumption, grown apart from an animal.

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