Music Not Impossible (MNI) Vibrotactile Wearable Experience
Don't you want to experience the 'feely' effects? (re: Aldous Huxley) |
Chinese Face Recognition Mistakes Bus Ad For Jaywalker
'... the imprint of her image on the telephoto cell.' - Schachner and Zagat, 1931. (re: Schachner and Zagat) |
A Look Back At Apollo's Emergency Escape Vehicle
'A simple mechanism... it drove the iron ball through space like a ship.' - Jack Williamson, 1933. (re: Jack Williamson) |
InMotion Glide 3 Electric Unicycle For The Last Mile
'...gyro-stabilized on a single wheel.' - Robert Heinlein, 1940. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
China's Social Credit System - A Facebook-1984 Mashup
'Prestige, face, mana, repute, glory: the Sirenese word is strakh.' - Jack Vance, 1976. (re: Jack Vance) |
Musk Declares Tesla Supercharger Capacity Will Double By Next Year
'Recharge the batteries... in almost every town and village...'- John Jacob Astor IV, 1894. (re: John Jacob Astor IV) |
Drywall Robot Looking For Sheetrock
Sheetrockers have sure changed since my day. Speaking as someone who as done this, I welcome robots. (re: Michael Crichton) |
Ford's Autonomous Cabs 'Transportation As A Service'
'He was glad to crawl into his autocab and close the cover.' - Robert Heinlein, 1951. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Sex In Driverless Cars? Updated With Video!
'...admirable for petting.' - David H. Keller, 1935. (re: David H. Keller) |
Amazing Kepler Space Telescope Decommissioned By NASA
'Thus it came about that the search for a planetiferous sun... was not unduly prolonged...' - Doc Smith, 1934. (re: Doc Smith) |
ODYSSEUS Solar-Powered Stratospheric Plane Flies Forever
'The planes flew continuously, twenty-four hours a day...' - EB White, 1950. (re: EB White) |
Augmented and-or Virtual Reality Shoes From Google
'The auto-treadmill's bumps and gullies matched whatever terrain the goggles showed me...' - David Brin, 1994. (re: David Brin) |
Soon, Your Tesla Will Follow You Like A Pet
'... follow him as faithfully as a well-trained hound.' - John Brunner, 1975. (re: John Brunner) |
Chinese Watrix Gait Recognition Watching You Always
'... those pesky gait-recognition cameras.' - Cory Doctorow, 2008. (re: Cory Doctorow) |
FlexPai Foldable Phone By Royole
'...A paper thin polycarbon screen unfurled.' - William Gibson, 1986. (re: William Gibson) |
Oh Yes, We're Building The Rotating Tower In Dubai
'Give me an old-fashioned tetragon on a central pivot every time.' - Frank Herbert, 1972. (re: Frank Herbert) |
Bioreactor Helps Legless Frogs Get Their Jump Back
'An alien drug... Used by an insect race... It can repair bones and organs. It can grow new tissue." - Clifford Simak, 1961 (re: Clifford Simak) |
Xinhua AI Anchor Puts CGI Face To Automated News
'...a congeries of software agents.' - William Gibson, 1996. (re: William Gibson) |
Wirewax Watching You Watch, Adjusting Your Experience
'He adjusted the n, the r and b knobs, and hopefully anticipated a turn for the better...' - Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
LawGeex AI Beats 20 Top Lawyers
'The Law Society has strict rules on the use of pseudo-intelligent software - terrified of putting... its members out of work.' - Greg Egan, 1991. (re: Greg Egan) |
ROAM Robotics Skiing Exoskeleton
'The real genius in the design is that you don't have to control the suit; you just wear it...' - Robert Heinlein, 1959. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
MIT Headset Lets You Communicate Without Speaking
'The subvocal read nerve signals, letting her enter words by just beginning to will them...' - David Brin, 1990. (re: David Brin) |
Exploring Oceans Across The Solar System
'Black liquid flashed past the turbot’s infrared eyes.' - Michael Swanwick, 2002. (re: Michael Swanwick) |
SWEEPER Robot Peter Piper Picking Peppers
'... little machines, that went from plant to plant, apparently on caterpillar tracks, cutting off the ripe fruit.' Otfrid von Hanstein, 1935. (re: Otfrid von Hanstein) |
Oil from Algae - Can It Be Done?
'We dump everything that's waste into the tanks, pump the oil off the top.' - Hal Clement, 1950. (re: Hal Clement) |
Moving Whole Planets, Revisited
There was a lot of work done on this idea over the years. (re: EE Doc Smith) |
Disney Keeps Backups Of Star Wars Franchise Actors
'She is a personality-construct, a congeries of software agents...' - William Gibson, 1996. (re: William Gibson) |
Farming In Space Starts With Mycorrhiza
'The inner leaves were beginning to curl faster than the outer leaves.' - Robert Heinlein, 1949. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Jaguar I-Pace Audible Vehicle Alert System For EVs
'Of course not a vehicle moved by means of internal explosions of a derivative of rock oil...' - Robert Heinlein, 1985. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Autonomous 'Fiberbots' Weave Large Structures
'It extrudes material like a spider.' - Charles Sheffield, 1979. (re: Charles Sheffield) |
Birds Aren't Real - Wake Up, California! (With Bird Watching Guide)
'When he had first built them, they had been crude indeed, flying mechanisms with little more than a reflex-response unit.' - Philip E. High, 1968. (re: Philip E. High) |
Self-Healing Material Pulls Carbon Out Of The Air
'... could seal the punctures.' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1951. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun) |
IRL Glasses Block Screens, Limit Vision To Real Life
'If you couldn't see the ads, how would you know what was fashionable?' - John Varley, 1977. (re: John Varley) |
Testing The Single-Person Spacecraft
'...the lower part of the suit was simply a rigid cylinder.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1952. (re: Arthur C. Clarke) |
Shapeshifting Materials Transform By Light
'Its lines wavered, flowed, and then painfully reformed.'- Philip K. Dick, 1957. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Fully Automated Farm Iron Ox Hydroponics
'Had these machines in some incredible fashion been provided with brains?' - Otfrid von Hanstein, 1935 (re: Maria Moravski) |
BrainNet Social Network Of Brains
'I used my implant to tell MILLIE what we wanted and she took care of it' - Pournelle and Niven, 1981. (re: Pournelle and Niven) |
Phil Nuyttnn's City Under The Sea
''Under the lower roof there was no water, but a clear and luminous atmosphere...' - Andre Laurie, 1895. (re: Andre Laurie) |
IONITY Opens First 10 Fast-Charging Stations
'Recharge the batteries... in almost every town and village...'- John Jacob Astor IV, 1894. (re: John Jacob Astor IV) |
Superstrong Multilayer Metal-Graphene Composite Material
Negligible increase in weight increased material strength by hundreds of times. (re: Frank Herbert) |
Deepfakes Imperil Democracy (George Orwell, Right Again)
'All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary.' - George Orwell, 1948. (re: George Orwell) |
String Art Courtesy Of Robot Artist
The number of different ways to span a thread between a larger number of hooks is astronomical. (re: Isaac Asimov) |
Still Wondering If You'd Work For A Robot Boss?
'This is all coming to you courtesy of the simstim unit wired into your deck, of course.' (re: William Gibson) |
World's First Autonomous Tram In Germany
What's it like for autonomous trams when they're turned off at night? (re: Isaac Asimov) |
Sleeep PRO Earplug For Maximum Rest
'Merton... placed the electrodes of the sleep-inducer on his forehead.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1963. (re: Arthur C. Clarke) |
Inspired By Japan, Nap Pods For Hajj
It's always a good time for a nap. (re: Larry Niven) |
Amphibio 3D Printed Gill Shirt
'... we can descend and live down there at one of those year-round aquatic resorts.' - Philip K. Dick, 1966. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
How Do You Put An Asteroid Into Earth Orbit? Carefully!
'...she would have to be coaxed by another series of pats into a circular orbit.' - Robert Heinlein, 1939. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
PD Aerospace Space Plane By 2023
'The sleek, tapered space shuttle lay immobile upon the private landing field...' - Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr., 1940. (re: Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr) |
Foldimate Folds Your Clothes Perfectly
Look ma, my room is clean! I can hear you now. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Robots Help People Get Dressed, As Predicted In 1931
Yes, people of the future, robots will dress you. (re: Schachner and Zagat) |
International Space Station Leak Plugged - With Finger
'These tag-alongs search out stray leaks' - Robert Heinlein, 1948. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Robot Snake Flies, Fights Fires
Just a prototype, but shows real promise. (re: Emmett McDowell) |
IPAL Chinese Robot Babysitter
'But Nanny is different...' - Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
ZKZM-500 LASER Assault Rifle
'The Iranian reached back into the locker and got a pair of laserifles.' - Poul Anderson, 1966. (re: Poul Anderson) |
LA Subway Scanner, As Seen In 'Total Recall'
'I'm afraid to tell you this Mr. Quaid, but you have suffered a schizoed embolism...' (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Sion Electric Car Covered With Solar Panels
'It drew its power from six square yards of sunpower screens on its low curved roof.' - Robert Heinlein, 1940. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
PAL-V Liberty Flying Helicopter Car
'...lifted themselves to skimming flight upon whirling helicopters." - Jack Williamson, 1931. (re: Jack Williamson) |
Space Drones - UK's Effective Space To Launch Rocket Tugs
'Twenty rocket tugs towed it from its Earth hangar out into space.' - Nat Schachner, 1937. (re: Nat Schachner) |
DIY Autonomous Robot Detects Trash
'The search-bug detached itself and rolled forward.' - Philip K. Dick (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Ancient Russian Walking Excavator Would Be Perfect RV
I don't need it to go fast, it just needs to amble along. (re: Jack Vance) |
ELROI Satellite 'License Plate'
Robert Heinlein was thinking about this in 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
When Robots Beg For Their Lives
"Just what do you think you're doing... Dave.' (re: Arthur C. Clarke) |
Do You Still Want A Folding Screen Phone?
'A paper thin polycarbon screen unfurled...' - William Gibson, 1986. (re: William Gibson) |
'Snapchat Dysmorphia' Now A Thing, Say Plastic Surgeons
'The program raced up the screen one scan line at a time, subtly smoothing, deleting and coloring.' - Bruce Sterling, 1985. (re: Bruce Sterling) |
Quiet Electric Cars Law Finalized By US Transportation Department
'... a sound tape to supply the noise'- Robert Heinlein, 1985. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Drone Assassin Fails To Kill Venezuelan President
'The spotter descends, and we think it searches the vicinity, looking for the victim's face...' - Daniel Suarez, 2012. (re: Daniel Suarez) |
Stick-On Tape Speakers, As Predicted By Bruce Sterling
Flexible tape speakers, someday. (re: Bruce Sterling) |
Bezos Invites You To New Life In Off-World Colonies
'A new life awaits you!' (re: Ridley Scott) |
Amazon's Rekognition System Sees Criminals In Congress
'... the imprint of her image on the telephoto cell.' - Schachner and Zagat, 1931. (re: Schachner and Zagat) |
Build Your Own Space Suit For Cheap
'I'm going to pump the air from this room... so that the interior will be like airless and pressure-less space.'- Otto Willi Gail, 1929. (re: Otto Willi Gail) |
CIMON Space Sidekick For Weary Astronauts
I welcome our floating robotic assistants. (re: Philip Frances Nowlan) |
SRI MicroFactory Of Microrobots Recalls Dick's Autofac
'Microscopic machinery, smaller than ants... constructing something...' - Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Embark Autonomous Trucks Still Need Humans
' resembled conventional human-operated transportation vehicles, but with one exception -- there was no driver's cabin.' - Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Rolls Royce 'Cockroach-Sized' Repair Robots To Crawl Inside Engines
'As if swarms of tiny animals were busily scurrying...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1954. (re: Stanislaw Lem) |
Bot Tweets Venmo Drug Transactions
An alarming item to find on your twitter feed. (re: John Brunner) |
'Power Clothing' - The Seismic 'Super Suit'
'The real genius in the design is that you don't have to control the suit; you just wear it...' - Robert Heinlein, 1959. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Rolls Royce eVTOL Flying Car
'The cab came floating down out of the sky at the intersection.' - James Blish, 1955. (re: James Blish) |
Ontario Starts Guaranteed Minimum Income
'Earned by just being born.'- Philip Jose Farmer, 1967. (re: Philip Jose Farmer) |
Is There Life In Outer Space? Will We Recognize It?
'The antennae of the Life Detector atop the OP swept back and forth...' - Frank Herbert, 1958. (re: Frank Herbert) |
Space Traumapod For Surgery In Spacecraft
' It was a ... coffin, form-fitted to Nessus himself...' - Larry Niven, 1972. (re: Larry Niven) |
Tesla Augmented Reality Hypercard
'The hypercard is an avatar of sorts.' - Neal Stephenson, 1992. (re: Neal Stephenson) |
A Space Ship On My Back
''Darn clever, these suits,' he murmured.' - Jack Williamson, 1933. (re: Jack Williamson) |
Biomind AI Doctor Mops Floor With Human Doctors
'My aim was just not to lose by too much.' - Human Physician participant. (re: Larry Niven) |
Fuli Bad Dog Robot Is 'Auspicious Raccoon Dog' Bot
Bad dog, Fuli. Bad dog. (re: Ray Bradbury) |
Las Vegas Humans Ready To Strike Over Robots
'A worker replaced by a nubot... had to be compensated.' - John Twelve Hawks, 2014. (re: John Twelve Hawks) |
You'll Regrow That Limb, One Day
'... forcing the energy transfer which allowed him to regrow his lost fingers.' - Frank Herbert, 1972. (re: Frank Herbert) |
Elon Musk Seeks To Create 1941 Heinlein Speedster
'The car surged and lifted, clearing its top by a negligible margin.' - Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Somnox Sleep Robot - Your Sleepytime Cuddlebot
Science fiction authors are serious about sleep, too. (re: Larry Niven) |
Real-Life Macau or Ghost In The Shell
Life imitates art imitates life. (re: Masamune Shirow) |
Has Climate Change Already Been Solved By Aliens?
'I had explained," said Nessus, "that our civilisation was dying in its own waste heat.' - Larry Niven, 1970. (re: Larry Niven) |
First 3D Printed Human Corneas From Stem Cells
Just what we need! Lots of spare parts. (re: Larry Niven) |
VirtualHome: Teaching Robots To Do Chores Around The House
'Just what did I want Flexible Frank to do? - any work a human being does around a house.' Robert Heinlein, 1956. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI) Workshop
SF writers have thought about this since the 19th century. (re: Jules Verne) |
Nanorobots Roam Your Bloodstream, Cleaning It
Too bad they won't have lasers, though... (re: Isaac Asimov) |
Galini 3D Printed Sleeping Pod Tiny Houses
'The houses are prefabricated units...' - Clifford Simak, 1952. (re: Clifford Simak) |
MIT Boffins Create Psychopath AI On Purpose
There's a lesson in this for neural net AI engineers everywhere. (re: Roger Zelazny) |
Skin Electronics 3D Printed
'June's body is a tracery of lambent lines, like some arcane capillary circuitry...' - Paul Di Filippo, 1985 (re: Paul Di Filippo) |
Artificial Sensory Neurons For Prosthetics, Robots
Great for humans and robots! (re: Roger Zelazny) |
China Uses Artificial Intelligence To Grade Student Papers
Looks like the City Fathers are starting to take over China's education system. (re: James Blish) |
Electronic Tongues Will Rule The Kitchen
'Install taste buds in the end of one tentacle...' - Anthony Boucher, 1943 (re: Anthony Boucher) |
Self-Healing Circuits From Carnegie Mellon
'It even had an inter-skin layer of gum that could seal the punctures...'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1951. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun) |
Swarm Of Mindless Robots Works Together
'Very tiny pseudo insects that... can unite to form a superordinate system.' - Stanislaw Lem, 1954 (re: Stanislaw Lem) |
SpotMini Robot Dog, Autonomous And On Sale In 2019
Great, an autonomous slamhound. (re: William Gibson) |
RoboFly Is Laser-Powered, Adorable
Don't swat this fly! (re: Raymond Z. Gallun) |
MSG Sphere Las Vegas, ala Star Wars
'The smoky globe, hung in the vault, was shot with colored light...' - Samuel R. Delany, 1966. (re: Samuel R Delany) |
Tetraplegics Dominate Avatar Races
Well, just speaking brain-to-computer... (re: Pournelle and Niven) |
MIT Ampli Blocks Build Biomedical Devices
Damn it Spock, I'm a doctor not an engineer! (re: Gene Roddenberry) |
UberAIR Asks For Skytaxi Landing Prototypes
I'd rather just call one to my front yard, please. (re: Various) |
Boring Tunnel Almost Ready
Your underground future is almost here! (re: Various) |
Handheld Human Skin Printer
It outputs a thin wad of uniflesh. (re: Frank Herbert) |
Healthy Fast Food Courtesy Of Robot Chefs
'The electric cook was stirring empty nothing in a pan, with a zeal worthy a dozen eggs.' - Elizabeth Bellamy, 1899. (re: Elizabeth Bellamy) |
Mass Production Of In Vitro Meat From One Sample
They're Assimilating Our Culture, That's What They're Doing (re: Larry Niven) |
Amazing 'Hybrid' Solar-Powered Sea Slug Does Photosynthesis
Thank goodness for Star Trek. (re: Gene Roddenberry) |
Retinal Prosthesis Uses Organic Printing Inks
We can rebuild you - well, your eyes, maybe. (re: Frank Herbert) |
Should You Submit Your DNA To A Database?
Consumer DNA services are often inaccurate. (re: Andrew Niccol) |
Squid-Like Robots Soon To Be 3D Printable
'It was a chemotactic artificial jellyfish designed to slither...' Rucker and Sterling, 1994. (re: Rucker/Sterling) |
Humans Evolve Deep Diving Abilities
Sounds like '60s sci-fi to me. (re: Irwin Allen) |
Researchers Create Bowls, Coils, Ripples Of Living Tissue
'... biological robots were not living creatures.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1972. (re: Arthur C. Clarke) |
IBM's Grain Of Sand Computer
'Our ancestors... thought to make the very sand beneath their feet intelligent...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1965. (re: Stanislaw Lem) |
Liquid Metal Shape-Changing 'Soft Robotics'
'A mimetic poly-alloy... 'What the hell does that mean?'' John Cameron, 1991. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
The Hammock Caravan And Italo Calvino's Octavia
'Now I will tell you how Octavia, the spider-web city, is made.' (re: Italo Calvino) |
Super-Resolution Microscopy Provides '4D' Views
View the magnified interior of living cells. (re: James Hogan) |
Have I Seen The Tesla Roadster Story Before?
'Only it wasn't a vessel. It was an automobile...' - Theodore Sturgeon, 1941. (re: Theodore Sturgeon) |
Watch 'Do You Trust This Computer' For Free Today
Thanks for making this available, Elon. (re: Various) |
Self-Driving Car Ticketed
This just missed making my day. (re: Various) |
Elon Musk Tweets Versions Of Clarke's Operation Cleanup
'Fortunately, the old orbital forts were superbly equipped for this task.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1978. (re: Arthur C. Clarke) |
Burner Generates Temporary Phone Numbers
'Interesting phone system he's got, by the way...' - John Varley, 1984. (re: John Varley) |
Walmart’s Autonomous Robot Bees
Are you allergic to autonomous robot bees? (re: Various) |
EA Created AI That Taught Itself To Play Battlefield
Harmless fun for computer scientists. (re: Keith Laumer) |
Is Teleportation A Death Sentence?
'A long trail of dead, he thought, left across the stars...' - Clifford Simak, 1963. (re: Clifford Simak) |
New Brain Scanner Lets You Move Around
'In Bob Arctor's living room his thousand dollar custom-quality cephscope crafted by Altec...' - Philip K. Dick, 1977. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Can An Entire Brain Be Simulated In A Computer?
'The miles of relays and photocells had given way to the spongy globe of platinum iridium about the size of the human brain.' - Isaac Asimov, 1941. (re: Isaac Asimov) |
Physicists Try To Turn Light Into Matter
If E=mc squared, then... m=E/c squared! (re: John W. Campbell) |
Save Your Brain's Connectome, Upload Yourself Elsewhere
'You've got remote storage. How regular is the update?' - Richard Morgan, 2003. (re: Richard Morgan) |
TMS Decreases Belief In God, Increases Belief In Immigrants
'... Setting up the same currents, the same basic ideas, in them all.' - Edmond Hamilton, 1938. (re: Edmond Hamilton) |
Loomo Mini Transporter Robot Companion You Ride On
'Slowly the [robot] horse raised its head, wiggled its ears, blinked twice, gave a tentative whinny.' - Christopher Stasheff, 1969. (re: Christopher Stasheff) |
Soft Robotics - Now With 3D Printed Sensors!
'A series of chemelectric afferent nerve-analogues, which permitted it to gauge to an ounce the amount of pressure necessary to snap a bone...' - Roger Zelazny, 1966. (re: Roger Zelazny) |
AI Tool Lynx Insight And The Cybernetic Newsroom
'The structure,... was once a great homeostatic newspaper, the New York Times. It printed itself directly below us...' - Philip K. Dick, 1963. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Espresso Telescope Searches For Exoplanets
'These instruments were the wonderful ones our astronomers had perfected.' - Edmond Hamilton, 1936. (re: Edmond Hamilton) |
Dune Fans! Metal-Organic Frameworks Make Science Fiction Real
'Dew collectors,' he muttered, enchanted by the simple beauty of such a scheme. - Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert) |
Manned Maneuvering Unit From 1984
'The glittering little rocket bolted to the black iron behind him.' - Jack Williamson, 1933. (re: Neil R. Jones) |
Astronaut Gets Younger In Space
'So what we're looking for now is not an antibiotic - an anti-life drug - but an anti-agathic, an anti-death drug...' - James Blish, 1957. (re: Neil R. Jones) |
Blockchain Used To Verify Election Results
'Any adult could punch into the phone his or her code, followed by a yes or no.' - John Brunner, 1975. (re: John Brunner) |
IJOP Integrated Joint Operations Platform China's Minority Report?
'All day long the idiots babbled, imprisoned in their special high-backed chairs...' (re: Philip K. Dick) |
HushMe Bluetooth Device Reinvents The Hush-A-Phone
'Talking into a hush-a-phone which he had plugged into the telephone jack...' - Robert Heinlein, 1940. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Ultrathin Brain Needle Developed At MIT
Putting drugs into a selected cubic millimeter within the living brain. (re: Larry Niven) |
Tesla Semi Truck Now At Work
Why wait? Tesla Semi now hard at work. (re: Poul Anderson) |
Illustris: The Next Generation Of Universe Simulation
'This digital device was ... A machine able literally to contain the Universe Itself...' - Stanislaw Lem, 1965. (re: Stanislaw Lem) |
Scaly Yet Soft Robotic Snake
Love those robotic sneks. (re: Emmett McDowell) |