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Comments on VeriChip RFID Tag Patient Implant Badges Now FDA Approved
The Federal Drug Administration has approved a final review process to determine whether hospitals can use VeriChip RFID tags to identify patients. The estimated life of the tags is twenty years. (Read the complete story)

"I really think chipping people is wrong peroid. In't this just an extension of Big Brother Watching? And what is to say that these chips won't be used in the future to further control over the masses? I find it all very disturbing, what is happening to our democracy and freedoms?"
(Chris 4/26/2006 6:04:50 PM)
"What if they put the wrong chip in a patient??"
(jeff 5/1/2006 2:44:02 PM)
"This is 666 stuff in the works."
( 5/1/2006 6:09:18 PM)
"use a spectrum analyzer to detect the implant, numb the area up and remove it if you don't want it. then ask the doctor who put it there without you knowing. we must read the stuff we sign at the doctors and other offices! Have a good year"
(Daddy Bo 5/2/2006 9:57:25 AM)
"people, Please do NOT consider this in any way. Its the mark of the beast"
( 6/1/2006 9:36:42 PM)
"I will die before I ever get the mark of the beast implanted into me, we are onto you all!"
(Kat 6/2/2006 11:57:07 AM)
"Chairman of the VeriChip company wants chip implanted in guest workers and immigrants. Desperate for his company future, doesn't he?"
( 6/2/2006 1:19:09 PM)
"This will be standard practice at birth in the near future. I think the first place it will start will be jail inmates. If it hasn't already."
( 6/2/2006 4:39:36 PM)
"material things is not what people should base there live's on"
( 6/23/2006 8:27:34 PM)
"Bom Dia, Gostaria de saber onde colocar o chip aqui no Brasil, na minha cidade Fortaleza - Ceará está com uma onda de sequestro e ñ tenho informação onde poderia ser colocado. Se possivel gostaria de ser representante aqui no meu estado do produto de vocês, pois teria algumas pessoas enteressadas no produto e não sabem como adiqurir. Poderia também servir de ponte entre o cliente e o implantador em São Paulo. Atenciosamente, Taciana caracas"
(Taciana 8/11/2006 6:09:41 AM)
"talk about prophecy !just read scripture it tells about the chip . being in the last days also in strongs concordance"
(thewitness42 8/13/2006 12:43:48 PM)
"Check out There is a free book entitled "Hidden Manna for the Endtimes"--it will inform you as to what is coming. Get prepared spiritually for what is coming. Don´t be tricked!!"
(Kathleen 1/2/2007 5:54:29 AM)
"I used this for years in my Llamas , but the newest technology is still only similar to the 666 stuff which a) will be manditory, not voluntary, and b) will be worldwide only after a major disaster mandates a global census , and to attempt to stop identity theft. It is prophetic , but real Christians expect to be in heaven "with the Lord" before this becomes a global thing, and tied to finances as the prophecy indicates . I've seen this coming since 1981 when I worked in banking and point of sale (POS) networks with Canada's Banks. When the event happens , , frankly it will be unstoppable. "
(One Farmer & Pastor 1/15/2007 9:40:39 PM)
"Wow, This Chip is totally wrong. This should never be aproved. FDA are morons, they ban supplements IE Epherdrine, and they authorize this."
( 1/29/2007 6:53:39 PM)
"I for one will quit before this happens!"
(aviation worker 5/26/2007 8:28:45 AM)
"who would want to be chipped?? thats bull, i can't believe people would even considered this..has the world not brainwashed you enough? robot slaves is their motive..this is just the beginning to total control over you..and if you have any percentage of your brain left you'll wakeup and realize the world, the government, you favorite television shows have all brainwashed, destroyed, and completely fooled whats reality these days. Think for yourself. Knowledge is key power, use it before its not legal"
(Tay 8/26/2007 8:32:05 PM)
"When all this goes down. Watch there be a restences. 666 mark of the best. A mark which will let u be scaned from space. No chip for me id rather die fighting."
( 1/9/2009 12:46:08 AM)
"The world is slowing being pulled into believing this chip is an amazing creation. I don't believe it's the full extent of the mark of the beast but I do believe it will play a large part of end time prophecies. I encourage all of you reading this to prepare yourselves for the worst. Biblical prophecies have never been wrong and will never be wrong, so this chip/mark/whatever that Revelation talks about will come to pass. It is not our job to prevent it's coming but it IS our job to prepare the minds of those who aren't aware. Be careful not to let skepticism creap in and control your every thought as I have in the past. For if we convince ourselves that we can prevent the inevitable, we lose sight of the real picture which is not preventing people from getting the mark, it's in leading them to a God who is more powerful than any chip/technology/wander/etc. We must unite and continue fighting the good fight that God has placed us here to fight. I myself will never allow myself nor my family to recieve this chip, regardless of its appeal for it may be the "mark" but let us not worry so much on this matter and continue showing the world why they don't need this mark. May the love of Christ be with each of you who continue to fight against sin and satan's attacks on our lives."
(SAM 4/25/2009 12:51:10 PM)
"Christians, get ready... "
( 10/20/2009 11:47:46 PM)
"I don't think this is the mark of the beast but i do think that the mark will be placed into the verichip later on not a lot later though because i feel its soon. Many people think that the antichrist is obama I personally don't think so because the beast is asexual he may even lean to being homosexual if anything but not into the ladies ya know and see obama is married and has kids so? I think he will come soon though (the beast). I'm totally ready for it and i will fight to my death for God point blank. I hope those that don't believe in God finds him before its to late but if all else fells for all of you that don't believe in him you have the second coming :) The Holy Bible talks all about what takes place in it so you should like check it out i mean it can't hurt anymore then the biochip right? "
(Lisa 9/4/2011 1:24:41 AM)
"I have the chip. It was implanted via pill form to disguise its purpose. I am their slave they taunt me, manipulate me into thinking that I deserve to be abused"
( 1/17/2013 10:52:32 PM)

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