Comments on HRP-4C Robot Woman Is A Cybernetic Humanoid
Just wait until the artists supplement the work of engineers; the fact that this robot duplicates humanoid movement within a human form factor is amazing. (Read
the complete story)
"Ironically, you can't tell the bot is silent, due to the clicking of the cameras. I found the cheekbone movement rather interesting."
(Joey1058 3/17/2009 9:48:51 AM)
"The most impressive innovation looks like the shrinking of all the batteries and stuff into the torso. No more giant backpacks or weird body shapes. Other than that, the actual motions were pretty awkward, in particular the back-and-forth rocking motion, though since the operator did the same thing maybe it's a cultural quirk. Roboticists need to get the hips to move up and down to get a robot to walk properly."
(asdfj 3/17/2009 2:37:51 PM)
A little verse that this story reminded me of.
(Cuttlefish 3/18/2009 5:31:26 PM)
"Robotics has taken leaps these past few years. It doesn't look like its going to be too terribly long before they have them resembling humans very closely. Now is that a good thing, or a bad thing? :)"
(SJ 3/19/2009 5:58:00 PM)
"Not exactly noiseless. You can tell the camera clicking from the robot clicking when it walks and turns.
The resemblance to the robot in Metropolis is eerie."
(ZZMike 4/1/2009 2:22:47 PM)
"Here's a short video taken at CEATEC 2009 that shows the HRP-4C robot doing some singing. Now that's a multi-talented robot!
(Bill Christensen 10/6/2009 7:17:42 PM)
"Why do almost all the Japanese robots have voices like Alvin on helium when they sing or speak ?"
(Daniel 1/10/2010 4:06:23 PM)
Humans Love Helping Other Species
'At the ringside opposite them a table had been removed to make room for a large transparent plastic capsule on wheels.'