NASA's VestaTrek - Visit Asteroid Vesta
'At the Asteroids Homesteaders' School in Chicago... he had been shown diagrams and photographs of Vesta.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1951. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun) |
Periscope App Signals End Of Journalism
'Jerry berry... panned the camera...'- Larry Niven, 1972. (re: Larry Niven) |
Rollkers Walking Skates
'Each had three small, rubber-covered wheels, one in front and two in the rear.'- Hugo Gernsback, 1911. (re: Hugo Gernsback) |
Google Patents Douglas Adam's Genuine People Personalities For Robots
'Let's build robots with Genuine People Personalities,' they said.'- Douglas Adams, 1979. (re: Douglas Adams) |
Fix Michigan Roads, Or Get Hovercars?
'Dead for many years was the old concept of smooth, hard-surfaced, almost polished highways...'- Clifford Simak, 1961. (re: Clifford Simak) |
eMotionButterfly Ultralight Robot From Festo
'Artificial butterflies darted along invisible beams...'- Roger Zelazny, 1980. (re: Roger Zelazny) |
Graphene Cytobot - Cyborg Bacterial Spores May Help Astronauts
'[It] had not yet objected to being made over into a portion of an electronic system... '- Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
XM82 Personal Flamethrower Now In Development
'Skeletons in tatters. Burned by a flesh gun'- Alfred Bester, 1974. (re: Alfred Bester) |
Delightful Plen2 Mirror Robot - The Anti-Terminator
The anti-Terminator. (re: Various) |
LiquiGlide Will Be Everywhere
'They poured the remnants of eggs out of their frictionless cups...'- Larry Niven, 1973. (re: Larry Niven) |
US Customs Now Doing Facial Recognition At DC Airport
Are you who you say you are? (re: Schachner and Zagat) |
How Many Systems In That Galactic Empire Now?
'An Empire to twenty million stellar systems...'- Isaac Asimov, 1953. (re: Isaac Asimov) |
Petman Robot Pushes Itself To The Limit
'There was the butler robot, hard at work, his copper face expressionless...'- Frederik Pohl, 1954. (re: Frederik Pohl) |
Coleus LED 'Skylight' Dispenses Natural Sunlight Indoors
'How do they work it so that the sky is visible at every level of the city?'- Stanislaw Lem, 1961. (re: Stanislaw Lem) |
UR3 Robot At Work On Copies Of Itself
'I don't mean that you should construct this ultra-microrobot with your own fingers, of course...'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1937. (re: Raymond Z Gallun) |
3D Printing 'Terminator T-1000-Style'
Not quite 'a mimetic polyalloy...' (re: Various) |
Norlin Shoe Drone Robot UAV In-Store Delivery Thing
'Robot-salesmen were everywhere, gesturing, pleading, shrilling.'- Philip K Dick, 1954. (re: Philip K Dick) |
Bridge-MINDER Repair Robot
'The repair robots had started out on their rounds...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1954. (re: Stanislaw Lem) |
Super Ball Bot Tensegrity Robot For Solar System Exploration
'Each leg in turn acted as a pivot around which the creature whirled its body...'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1972. (re: Arthur C. Clarke) |
iSkin On-Body Touch Sensors
'Three rows of four colored dots appeared on the heel of my left hand.'- John Varley, 1992. (re: John Varley) |
Britain To Build Spaceport, First In Europe
'The space-ports at the three great cities...'- Breuer/Williamson, 1930. (re: Breuer and Williamson) |
MC10 Electronics Skin Stickers
'Every diaper... a fine copper wire…' - David H. Keller, 1928. (re: David H. Keller) |
Robot Brains Improved By Darwinian Evolution
'The new species. Evolution. The race to come after man.'- Philip K. Dick, 1953. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Self-Deployable Habitat For Extreme Environments
'When you buy one of them, you don't need to tie up to an electric outlet.'- Clifford Simak, 1952. (re: Clifford Simak) |
Audi's Chairless Chair Lower Body Exoskeleton
'Solved the problem to some extent by devising rigid metallic clothing...'- Edmond Hamilton, 1929. (re: Edmond Hamilton) |
CreoPop 3D Pen Draws In Midair
'It makes drawings in the air...'- Murray Leinster, 1945. (re: Murray Leinster) |
Seattle Police Body Cams, Ala Stross, Ala Dick
'Let's hear it for the vague blur!'- Philip K. Dick, 1977. (re: Charles Stross) |
Autonomous Cars Will Own Themselves
'The robot drew his cab up before Eric's modest six-room bungalow.'- Philip K. Dick, 1952. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
World's First 3D Printed Villa
'It makes drawings in the air following drawings...'- Murray Leinster, 1945. (re: Murray Leinster) |
Hyperloop Track Starts Next Year
All aboard! This is not just a test track, or a scale model. This is the real deal. (re: Harl Vincent) |
Brainflight Brain-Controlled Drone
'Mr Gant, you must think in Russian. Can you do that?'- 1982 film 'Firefox' (re: Various) |
Students Control Lab Experiments Remotely Via App
'Hello, Europa... Is this your robot I'm looking at, in sector 94?'- James Blish, 1957. (re: James Blish) |
ROBEAR Nursing Care Robot
What other robots are strong enough to carry you? Do you want them to do so? (re: Katsuhiro Otomo) |
Testing New Spacesuits In 1929 And 2015
'I'm going to pump the air from this room... so that the interior will be like airless and pressure-less space.'- Otto Willi Gail, 1929. (re: Otto Willi Gail) |
Space Station Kitchens 1929 and 2015
'Plates and cups ... slowly floated down to the floor and were not broken.'- Otto Willi Gail, 1929. (re: Otto Willi Gail) |
Volvo's 'Drive Me' Program Offers Autonomous Cars In 2017
'She woke just before the signal from the car which would have called her...'- Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Squad X Core Technologies For Infantry
'You can flip through your several types of radar displays quicker than you can change channels to avoid a commercial...'- Robert Heinlein, 1959. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Neptune Duo Smartwatch Wearable Wristband
'[He] pressed several buttons on the wide bracelet he wore upon his left wrist...'- Roger Zelazny, 1980. (re: Roger Zelazny) |
FAA Drone Rules Beta Ready For Comments
Drones, big and small, you're going to like them all. (re: EB White) |
'Cortical Modem' Latest On DARPA's Wishlist
'...inside his skull... is a little cylinder, that neuronic receptor-transmitter.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1938. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun) |
The Martians Are On Their Way!
'Dense clouds of smoke or dust, visible through a powerful telescope on earth...'- HG Wells, 1898. (re: HG Wells) |
GuardBot Robotic Sphere Of War
Much more ominous looking when they come after you. (re: Various) |
Sony Aibo Robotic Dog Now With No Repairmen
'...they break down and then everyone in the building knows.'- Philip K. Dick, 1968. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Autonomous Car Outperforms Professional Race Driver
'Khan grinned. 'It's alive! Bu-wahhahahah!''- Daniel Suarez, 2009. (re: Daniel Suarez) |
Vint Cerf's 'Digital Dark Age' Vs. George Orwell's
'You could never consult Archival Records in a straightforward manner.'- Frank Herbert, 1984. (re: Frank Herbert) |
GimBall Indoor Search Drone From Flyability
'Twice the usual number of copseyes floated overhead'- Larry Niven. (re: Larry Niven) |
Meet Spot, The Electric Quadrupedal, Er, Robot Dog
They still can't roll over, because they avoid being rolled over. (re: Philip K Dick) |
Meet Samsung's SmartTV Telescreen
'The City Fathers overheard everything one said...' - James Blish, 1957. (re: James Blish) |
Sea Slug Feeds On Sunlight With Genes From Its Food
'You've surely noticed the green skin tone of your new body.'- John Scalzi, 2005. (re: John Scalzi) |
Emoti-Chair Lets You Hear Through Your Skin
'Take hold of these knobs on the arms of your chair...'- Aldous Huxley, 1932. (re: Aldous Huxley) |
Forget Longevity, How About Super-Intelligence?
'It was clearly domelike and oddly fragile-looking...'- Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
The Poet Is A Computer
'The potentiometers indicated the machine's lyrical capacitance was charged to the maximum...'- Stanislaw Lem, 1965. (re: Stanislaw Lem) |
Minister Wants To Convert Artificial Intelligences To Christianity
'Getting to his feet he crossed the waiting room to the Padre booth...'- Philip K. Dick, 1969. (re: Robert Silverberg) |
Robots Learn Cooking By Watching Videos - Foreseen In 1943
'It's done with a flip of the third joint of the tentacle on the down beat.'- Anthony Boucher, 1943. (re: Anthony Boucher) |
Bigelow Gets FAA Backing For Moon
'Above them a dome of transparent plastic kept the fresh spring-scented air in...'- Philip K. Dick (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Henn-na Robot Hotel
'... hotels that specialized in non-human service.'- Harry Harrison, 1970. (re: Harry Harrison) |
Will We Mine The Moon For Ice?
'That's okay, still ice in The Rock and a miner expects to sound for it...'- Robert Heinlein, 1966. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
RFID Chip Implants Required In Epicenter Office Block In Sweden
Replace those ID cards... with ID chips! (re: John Twelve Hawks) |
Data Mining Computers Detect Your Emotions
'I can tell from your voice harmonics, Dave, that you're badly upset.'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1968. (re: Arthur C. Clarke) |
DJI Phantom Drone Now With GPS Blocking
'Workarounds were illegal and the fines were expensive...'- Greg Bear 2007. (re: Greg Bear) |
OMOTE Face Hackers At Work Video
'...a video-manicuring program came on line.'- Bruce Sterling, 1985. (re: Bruce Sterling) |
Vroom! Your Car Or Truck's Engine Noise Might Be Fake
'... a sound tape to supply the noise'- Robert Heinlein, 1985. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Care-O-Bot 4 Personal Service Robot
'Beside her moved a gleaming robant...'- Philip K. Dick, 1953. (re: Stanton Coblentz) |
Skin Wearable Harvests Power With Triboelectric Effect
'He had tightened the chest to gain maximum pumping action...'- Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert) |
EDSAP Wearable Stroke Detection
'His Altec cephalochromoscope, around which he had built the pleasure part of his schedule...'- Philip K. Dick, 1977. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Brand Killer Helmet Blocks Real-Life Ads
'Some merely held the holos [ads] at arm's length.'- John Varley, 1977. (re: John Varley) |
In Vivo Micromotors Powered By Stomach Acid
First in vivo study of artificial micromotors. (re: Isaac Asimov) |
Synthetic 'Squid Skin' For Camouflage On The Way
'The small, chameleon-clad figures continued to advance.'- Gordon R. Dickson, 1960. (re: Gordon R. Dickson) |
3D Printer 'Teleports' Objects Like Simak's Way Stations
'An entirely new being but exactly like the old one'- Clifford Simak, 1963. (re: Clifford Simak) |
Laser Etching Makes Metal Super-Hydrophobic
'The water flowed off those walls without binding tension.'- Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert) |
Patient Walks Out With Fully Artificial Heart
'The throb of the robot pump gave him confidence...'- Philip K. Dick, 1960. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Radisens' Gemini Instant Blood Tests
It's a step toward a universal medical testing device. (re: Larry Niven) |
Nonhuman Artist Collective Keeps Robot Artist Earnings Until Legal
The artists should be paid for their work, don't you think? (re: Various) |
Argentine Orangutan Receives Basic Human Rights
'They wouldn't dare let the Fuzzies be proven sapient...'- Little Fuzzy, 1962. (re: H. Beam Piper) |
Elon Musk, Google To Extend Internet Into Earth Orbit, Then Mars
'This was the center of Interplanetary Communications.'- George O Smith, 1942. (re: George O Smith) |
Range R Lets Police See Into Your House
There are lots of ways to see through walls! (re: Nat Schachner) |
Thync Mood Alteration Like PKD's Mood Organ
'I sat down at my mood organ and I experimented...' (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Atlas DRC Robot Now Untethered
Free walking robots are here! Maybe sooner than you thought. (re: Alice Fuller) |
VirtualGreen Putting Simulator Like Brin's Needle-Gym
'My eyes saw a tiny, off-white chamber, its coarse floor of needles mimicking a steep hillside...'- David Brin, 1994. (re: David Brin) |
VW Golf R Touch With Gesture Control
'All you had to do was wave your hand...'- Douglas Adams, (re: Douglas Adams) |
The Bioengineered Uterus
For women unable to conceive and carry a fetus to term, is this an answer? (re: Aldous Huxley) |
3Doodler 2.0 Create A 3D Object With A Pen
'Plastic comes out of the end of the drawing arm and hardens as it comes.'- Murray Leinster, 1945. (re: Murray Leinster) |
Cambrian Genetics Says 'Print Your Own Genetically Unique Creature'
'The study of Nature makes a man at last as remorseless as Nature.'- HG Wells, 1896. (re: HG Wells) |
Meet 'Ross', Your Watson-Based Legal Researcher
'Why don't we just feed the bloody thing to LEX and ask for a summary?'- Greg Egan, 1991. (re: Greg Egan) |
Lizard Squad, Nihilistic Technofetishists For Hire
'The Modern's were mercenaries...'- William Gibson, 1984. (re: William Gibson) |
DARPA Video Highlights Fast Lightweight Autonomy Drones
We've got the idea, DARPA. Or we're getting it. (re: Ray Cummings) |
BMW's Remote Valet Parking Assistant
'Mary... claimed her car from the robopark...'- Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
HAVOC Over Venus ala Bespin
'Cloud City is an installation on the planet Bespin...'- George Lucas, 1980. (re: Fritz Leiber) |
Neuroscientist Works Toward Virtual Immortality ala Clarke
'Nothing will be left of Jeserac but a galaxy of electrons frozen in the heart of a crystal.'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1956. (re: Arthur C. Clarke) |
A Basic Income TED Talk
'They de-emphasized what lack of work would do to Mr. Everyman'- Philip Jose Farmer, 1967. (re: Philip Jose Farmer) |
Smart Window Tints, Powers Itself
'The polawindow, which he tuned to clear transmission.'- Frank Herbert, 1972. (re: Frank Herbert) |
What Can Magic Leap Expect From New 'Chief Futurist' Neal Stephenson?
'The goggles throw a light, smoky haze across his eyes...'- Neal Stephenson, 1992. (re: Neal Stephenson) |
Should SETI Talk To Molecular Cloud Barnard 68?
'I myself am building basic chemicals at about 10,000,000,000 times the rate at which building is occurring on the whole ... surface of your planet.'- Fred Hoyle, 1957. (re: Fred Hoyle) |
LikeAGlove Smart Garment Knows Your Size
'The tailor set moving a mechanism...'- HG Wells, 1898. (re: HG Wells) |
EXACTO Bullets Change Course In Mid-Air
'This little weapon ejects a rather ingenious missile...'- Philip E. High, 1966. (re: Philip E. High) |
Button-Pushing Robots Have Taken Our Jobs, Thankfully
'The ten forked ends of each arm commenced a rattling pressing of the buttons.'- Schachner and Zagat, 1931. (re: Schachner and Zagat) |
Puls 'Smart Watch' Replaces Your Cell Phone
I think this is a really interesting device, and I haven't heard very much about it. (re: HG Wells) |
Small Molecule Walker Takes First Steps
'The bits were in motion.'-- Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
US Navy Laser Ready For Use
Fifty years from cartoon to reality. Thanks to a lot of engineers and visionaries. (re: HG Wells) |
Fast Lightweight Autonomy Indoor Drones For DARPA
'the Scarab buzzed into the great workroom... and sought the security of a shadowed corner.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun) |
Ninebot One Self-Balancing Wheel
'It had been a long time since the Chief Engineer had ridden one of these silly-looking little vehicles...'- Robert Heinlein, 1941 (re: Robert Heinlein) |
FuturICT Knowledge Accelerator And Psychohistory
'The reactions of human conglomerates to fixed social and economic stimuli...' (re: Isaac Asimov) |
Stellar Navigation Based On Network Analysis
'We are a traveling people. We need a travel station here.'- Clifford Simak, 1963. (re: Clifford Simak) |
New 'Smart-Skin' Senses Pressure, Humidity, Heat
'You can even sense with your fingertips...'- Martin Caidin, 1972. (re: Roger Zelazny) |
Mimo Baby Monitor
'In every diaper there is a fine copper wire.'- David H. Keller, 1928. (re: David H. Keller) |
RocketSkates Motorized Skates
'In reality they were Tele-motor-coasters.'- Hugo Gernsback, 1911. (re: Hugo Gernsback) |
Colloidal Quantum Dots Make Spray-On Solar Cells Possible
'Black Power... you spray it on.'- Larry Niven, 1995 (re: Larry Niven) |
Flying Robot Waiters From Infinium Robotics
'It was a smooth ovoid floating a few inches from the floor...'- H. Beam Piper, 1962. (re: H. Beam Piper) |
Law Firms To Undergo 'Structural Collapse' Due Artificially Intelligent Systems
'I want my lawyer program.'- David Brin, 1990. (re: David Brin) |
Eel Robots Ideal For Naval Warfare
Because anguilliform swimming is more efficient, and stealthier, than thunniform swimming. But you already knew that. (re: Murray Leinster) |
MULTI First Cable-Free Elevator Like Turbolift
I guess I'd need to know that this is better than the idea that Mr. Otis had. Maybe we could test it with a horse? (re: Gene Roddenberry) |
Secrets Of Charismatic Speakers Revealed
'The tone, the timbre excellent - imperative, very sharp.'- Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert) |
3D Printing Of LED Display Contact Lenses
'Sharon flinched as the whites of Bishop's eyes turned dark blue.'- Niven and Barnes, 1992. (re: Niven and Barnes) |
Race Into The Future With Bionic Boots
'The tremendous loping strides afforded by such devices... '- Neal Stephenson, 1995. (re: Neal Stephenson) |
Oak Ridge To Pay For The (Giant, Superfast 3D) Printer
'Can your Biltong print for more than a hundred people?'- Philip K. Dick, 1956. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Linux Robot Masters Automatic Charging
'Then it appeared to make up its mind, and trundled over to a wall socket...'- Stephen Barr, 1960. (re: Stephen Barr) |
PR2 Robot Dominates In Laundry Room
Where are the robots who will pick up discarded clothes? (re: Philip k. Dick) |
Do You Want A Tablet Computer? Or, Fad Over?
'He would plug his foolscap-sized Newspad into the ship's information circuit'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1968. (re: Arthur C. Clarke) |
First Person Video Flying Parrot Bebop Drone Video
'Over a radius of several miles Sonya's raytron apparatus could direct its flight...'- Ray Cummings, 1928. (re: Ray Cummings ) |
XPrize's Diamandis Implants RFID Tag In Hand
'People in Manhattan have replaced their Freedom Card with a radio-frequency chip about the size of a vitamin pill.'- John Twelve Hawks, 2014. (re: John Twelve Hawks) |
Lightpaper Way Thinner Than OLED
'You have this on Siwenna?'- Isaac Asimov, 1952. (re: Isaac Asimov) |
Foodini 3D Printer
''...Food slot gave him flat reddish-brown bricks.'- Larry Niven, 1970. (re: Larry Niven) |
Parrot Bebop Drone Pairs With Your Smartphone
'Over a radius of several miles Sonya's raytron apparatus could direct its flight [using] an image of all that the lens eye saw.'- Ray Cummings, 1928. (re: Ray Cummings) |
SCRIBE Enables Distributed Genomically Encoded Memory
Genomic DNA for analog, rewritable, and flexible memory. (re: Barbara Hambly) |
Artisanal 3D Printing By Martha Stewart
'Nanofax AG offers a technology that digitally reproduces objects, physically, at a distance.'- William Gibson, 1999. (re: William Gibson) |
Knightscope Robot Security Guards Ready
'A robot guard appeared, streaking toward them across the field.'- Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
Bullet-Proof Kevlar Woven Electronics
'Check the watch imprinted on his sleeve...'- Niven and Barnes, 1981. (re: Niven and Barnes) |
USAF 'BATMAN' Wrist Display
'The tiny screen in the bracelet's center...'- Roger Zelazny, 1980. (re: Roger Zelazny) |
CoBots - Collaborative Robots Ask Humans For Help
'Whenever a robot finds something it can't identify... You give it a good look.'- Harry Harrison, 1956. (re: Harry Harrison) |
Shape-Shifting Carbon Fiber
'Its lines wavered, flowed, and then painfully reformed.'- Philip K. Dick, 1957. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
'Digital Drugs' (Like Herbert's Semuta?) Dismays Saudis
'The effect (described as timeless, sustained ecstasy) is elicited by certain atonal vibrations...'- Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert) |
Mind Control Of Gene Expression In Mice
'We used your thought images almost entirely...'- Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein) |
Nixie Wrist-Ready Flying Selfie-Cam Drone
'He set his camera to follow him...' (re: Karen Traviss) |
DARPA Wants Airborne Launch Facility For Drones
This was tried with recon craft in WWII. (re: Daniel Suarez) |
Lit Motors Self-Balancing Motorcycle
'He had never ridden any motorized device that lacked onboard steering and balance systems...'- Bruce Sterling, 1998. (re: Bruce Sterling) |
Neuromorphic Brain-Chip Takes Flight
'Cultured brains on a slab.'- Peter Watts, 1999 (re: Peter Watts) |
What Are Robots Thinking?
'Your clothes... give them to me.'- James Cameron, 1984. (re: James Cameron) |
Competing With Blue Collar Robots
'With the chronic worry of the unemployed, he... ran his eye down the Help Wanted - Robot column...'- Harry Harrison, 1956. (re: Harry Harrison) |
Robot Bartenders At Sea
'We've promised him a generous pension from the royalties on usuform barkeeps...'- Anthony Boucher, 1943. (re: Anthony Boucher) |
SETI Workshop On Communicating Across The Cosmos
'...heard every word, not only locally, but wherever in the whole universe that there's a Dirac transceiver'- James Blish, 1957. (re: James Blish) |
SEL 3-Fold OLED 9 Inch Display Is Pocket-Sized!
'A paper thin polycarbon screen unfurled silently...'- William Gibson, 1986. (re: William Gibson) |
Time For A Universal Basic Income?
'Earned by just being born.'- Philip Jose Farmer, 1967. (re: Philip Jose Farmer) |
Don't Let A Robot Take Your Job Without Compensation
'A worker replaced by a nubot that 'appears or pretends to be human' had to be compensated...'- John Twelve Hawks, 2014. (re: John Twelve Hawks) |
Ginger the LOLbot
'His capacity to distinguish between gags that are partly funny and gags that are very funny'- William Tenn, 1951. (re: William Tenn) |
OSHbot, Lowe's Robotic Shopping Assistants
'Robot-salesmen were everywhere...'- Philip K. Dick, 1954. (re: Philip K. Dick) |
The Living Tree House
'There were trees comprised of a central columnar trunk and four vast leaves...'- Jack Vance, 1954. (re: Jack Vance) |
Flying Defibrillator Ambulance Drone
'The death-reversal equipment is on its way...'- Frederk Pohl, 1965. (re: Frederik Pohl) |
High Fidelity Produces More Expressive Avatars!
'They are the audiovisual bodies that people use to communicate with each other...'- Neal Stephenson, 1992. (re: Neal Stephenson) |
Physicists Build Repulsor / Tractor Beam
'Brandon swung mighty tractor beams upon the severed halves of the Jovian vessel...'- EE 'Doc' Smith, 1931. (re: E.E. 'Doc' Smith) |
Will You Upload Your Mind Anytime Soon?
And if so, how long will the copy last? (re: Richard Morgan) |