The Neptune Duo is a smart wearable wristband with a partner; a Hub screen for detailed viewing that you can keep in your pocket. It is basically a phone on your wrist. Check out their video for this device, which will be available for purchase later this year.
(Neptune Duo smart wearable phone and hub)
The idea is, that the ‘phone’ component is kept on a user’s wrist where it is less likely to be lost, than in their pocket.
The concept Hub bracelet is shown with a curved 2.4-inch touchscreen and can be used in the same way as a phone because it supports 3G and 4G, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth and NFC.
Its designers imagine it running on a quad-core processor, with 64GB of storage and a 1,000mAH battery inside.
The display connects to the Hub wirelessly and has been designed with a 720p 5-inch screen, plus an 8MP camera on the rear, and a 2MP front-facing camera.
Fans of the Fallout game series might be reminded of the RobCo Pip-Boy 3000.
The Pip-Boy 3000 is a hand-held electronic device produced by RobCo Industries and is one of several Pip-Boy models that were issued as standard to Vault-Tec Vaults. The device has numerous functions, and its capable of displaying the character's stats, area maps, inventory, Geiger counter, and radio. It is also possible to illuminate the screen to a level that is sufficient to light the area immediately around the user, acting as a makeshift lantern in darkened areas.
(From Pip-Boy 3000)
Fans of the science fiction movie Predator will remember the alien wrist display; among its various functions - detonate nuclear blast.
Readers may also recall the wrist bracelet viewer from Roger Zelazny's excellent 1980 novel Changeling:
Mark brushed back the soft green sleeve of his upper garment and pressed several buttons on the wide bracelet he wore upon his left wrist... He controlled [the bird's] passage with the wristband and saw through its eyes upon the tiny screen in the bracelet's center.
(Read more about Zelazny's wristband viewer)
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Humans Love Helping Other Species
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