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AquaScript Information Waterfall Display

The AquaScript information waterfall uses bitmap-rendered water streams to show both text and images in an engaging display.

(AquaScript information waterfall)

The AquaScript technology was created by German artist Julius Popp. Here's how it works:

The basic AquaScript module is 2 meters long with a number of magnet-valves that can expel single water-drops on demand. A proprietary computer system and software synchronizes the valves so that the falling water-drops result in a freely definable bitmap-muster. Installation of AquaScript is very flexible. The array can be mounted on a rigging truss for temporary installation using half-couplers, or also be fitted with bolts for fixed installation...

An 8 meter AquaDisplay will use ~ 60 liters (~16 gallons) of water per minute. This depends on local water pressure and the density of the bitmaps used...

(AquaScript AquaDisplay video)

I love water displays that are able to print text. Take a look at the AMOEBA - Advanced Multiple Organized Experimental Basin - tank display, which creates standing waves of water in the shape of letters.

If you'd like to see the complete and total opposite of the AquaScript display, take a look at the Lifeblood and Beta bubble-tank displays.

Readers insist that I show you a video of the Fogscreen display, an earlier invention.

Via AquaScript paints words onto water; see also the BitFall AquaScript website.

Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 2/4/2008)

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