Where's My Hand Waving Gesture Recognition Interface?
I'm tired of being titillated with cool interfaces to computers in the movies, interfaces where I merely wave my hands in the air and files are opened, content appears and problems are solved. I want my hand waving interface!
I will be taunted even as I watch my favorite (upcoming) summer movie Iron Man:
(From Iron Man, the movie)
And, of course, we all watched Tom Cruise happily wave at data in Minority Report:
(Tom Cruise looks for clues)
I concede that work has been done; here is a video of an effort by AirStrike:
(AirStrike hand gesture recognition interface video)
Here is another effort provided by Natural Interaction.
(Natural gesture recognition interface video)
Here is a video showing off PointScreen, an interface developed at Fraunhofer Institut für Medienkommunikation Bremen, Germany.
(PointScreen gesture recognition interface video)
I love the computer mouse, but I've been using one for thirty years. Enough R&D already! I want my hand waving interface, and I want it now!
Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 4/24/2008)
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