Science Fiction
Designer Bulletproof Fashion
Designer bulletproof fashions by Miguel Caballero are what you've been waiting for! If you're as tired as I am of wearing those old bulky bulletproof vests over your tuxedo, look no further.

(Designer bulletproof fashion from Miguel Caballero)
Caballero's latest collection includes blazers, raincoats and suede jackets. Worried about that inmate friend with a shank? Get the stab-proof lining.
Designer bulletproof clothing doesn't come cheap; a polo shirt that is able to keep a 9mm slug from getting to your precious skin costs $7,500.
If you're lucky (or good), you can join Miguel Caballero's exclusive SURVIVAL CLUB "for those people that had managed to save their life by using our products and want to share their experience with the rest of the world." Here's one (Google translated) testimonial from the SURVIVAL CLUB:
Satisfying in my report to you Commander, who yesterday December 29, 2005, being approximately 21 H05 radius of the central police barracks Metropolitama informed me that the vehicle 170 ... Abalos had been for several criminals, so wounded all members of the patrol. Faced with such a novelty translade me along with my assistant at the clinic Guayaquil, and made contact with the lords of Wales turn, the same as I felt that the Metropolitan Police had resulted rubbing with a gunshot to the chest and another impact gunshot to the abdomen height, but thanks to bulletproof vest had managed not penetrate.
Caballero is a Columbian designer (big surprise there); his designs are worn by some of the world's top people in danger of being shot, like King Abdullah of Jordan, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and actor Stephen Segal (did you see his last movie? Protection, man. You need protection.).
SF fans may recall the armored clothing from Frank Herbert's unsung 1977 classic The Dosadi Experiment:
McKie longed for his armored clothing and its devices to amplify muscles, but such things were not permitted.
Fans of David Brin were delighted with his Bullet-guard overalls, from Kiln People (2004).
Via TIME; thanks to Jonathan and Amy for the tip and reference. Oh, and I'm totally into Caballero's website; you'll love the music and the high security fashion at Miguel Caballero.
Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 7/29/2008)
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