The device is based on an existing display from Global Imagination; Microsoft added the multi-touch display capability. Why didn't they show a group of users surrounding it and using its unique interface? However, it does show some cool features, like projecting the output from a ring camera and other forms of multi-directional view, as well as a prototype pong-style game.
Apparently, the behemoth from Redmond does have a unique touch gesture that you will not find on an Apple display; the send to dark side gesture. You do this by placing your palm on an item; hold your palm down until the item disappears and reappears on the other side of the sphere.
Anyway, I was hoping for something more like this:
(Spherical display device from the Wizard of Oz)
Not that the Wicked Witch wouldn't appreciate a "send to dark side" capability built into a crystal ball...
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