The cute Bowlingual translator, which purports to tell you what your dog is saying, has been updated to present vocalization.
(Bowlingual dog voice translator)
So now, you know what your dog is trying to say - in Japanese.
Fans of the recent movie Up see the very cute translator collar for the dogs - Dug is wearing one below, along with the humiliating "Cone of Shame". It translates dog speech as well - into a variety of languages.
(From Pixar's Up)
I was wracking my brain to figure out where I had seen this before - and I found it! Murray Leinster wrote an absolutely splendid 1947 story called Propagandist about aliens who needed to know what human beings were really like. They used a psychoscanner on a dog, Buck, who had been inadvertently left behind after his master departed.
Psychoscanners have been able to secure excellent pictures and sound memories from the animal. It is of a species that lives in symbiosis with the creatures operating the space craft. Its utility to the superior race is not yet clear... Apparently, however, little or no technical information can be had from the animal because of the disinterest of "Buck" - this is the auditory memory of the animal's name for itself - in such matters.
(Read more about Leinster's psychoscanner)
From Oh Gizmo! and Gizmodo; thanks to Zac Hunter for the tip on the story.
Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 6/23/2009)
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''Pardon me, Struthers,' he broke in suddenly... 'haven't you a section of the factory where only robot labor is employed?''
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'Pina2bo would have to operate full blast for many years to put as much SO2 into the stratosphere as its namesake had done in a few minutes.'