Designer Guillaume Binard has created a new way for humans to move gracefully through the water - Oceanwings.
Partnering with Aqua Lung, Guillaume Binard has created Oceanwings. This wetsuit has neoprene membranes that spread from the wrists down to the ankles and are meant to give the diver feelings of soaring through their submarine wonderland.
Although Oceanwings are purely human-powered, they still remind me of the whale waldoes from David Brin's 1979 novel Sundiver:
With a half muttered prayer to the Dreamer, he touched a switch releasing the amplifiers on both Makakai's waldo and his own, then cautiously turned his arms to set the fins into motion. He flexed his legs, the massive flukes thrust back jerkily in response, and his machine immediately rolled over and sank.
Jacob tried to correct but overcompensated, making the waldo tumble even worse. The beating of his fins momentarily made the area around him a churning mass of bubbles, until patiently, by trial and error, he got himself righted.
(Read more about Brin's whale waldoes)
Fabrican Dress Sprayed Directly Onto Model On Coperni Runway
'...that might appeal to women, because by discharging from a few or a few dozen bottles a liquid that immediately set into fabrics... they could have a new creation every time.' - Stanislaw Lem, 1961.
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Humanoid Robots Building Humanoid Robots
''Pardon me, Struthers,' he broke in suddenly... 'haven't you a section of the factory where only robot labor is employed?''
Stratospheric Solar Geoengineering From Harvard
'Pina2bo would have to operate full blast for many years to put as much SO2 into the stratosphere as its namesake had done in a few minutes.'