The iBubble is an autonomous diving drone that follows you and uses its camera to take perfect pictures of your latest scuba adventure.
(iBubble underwater scuba drone camera video)
Thanks to our patented underwater localization technology, iBubble follows you and films entire diving sessions – without you having to do anything. It’s your own pilot fish, but with a camera and smarter.
iBubble opens a whole new (underwater!) world of filming opportunities. You will create shots that were, until today, only accessible with professional means: record what you see from a distance, follow and film yourself, orbit around you and many more. To make sure your footage is perfectly steady despite sudden movements or currents, we will integrate a camera stabilization system. The cherry on top: we will add two 1000 lumen lights to increase image quality.
The iBubble is an underwater version of the bee cam, a tiny flying camera drone, from Karen Traviss' 2004 novel City of Pearl:
He set his [bee cam] to follow him, and it hovered behind him like a large tame bee...
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Poul Anderson's 'Brain Wave'
"Everybody and his dog, it seemed, wanted to live out in the country; transportation and communication were no longer isolating factors."