Elon Musk Fears A 'Fleet-Wide Hack' Of Autonomous Vehicles
In the following video, Tesla's Elon Musk describes one of his biggest concerns about the idea of a fleet of autonomous vehicles.
(Elon Musk fleet-wide hack)
If Mr. Musk had read the excellent Daemon by Daniel Suarez, he would have been worried about this in 2009 - much earlier.
The Lincoln was weaving from side to side, then it suddenly slammed on the brakes and screeched to a halt. It peeled out suddenly again and went into a power slide, whipping its tail around. It roared forward again, building up speed on the straightaway, then wrenched its wheels into another slide, and came out facing in the other direction - still accelerating into a bootlegger reverse.
McCruder smiled. "It's testing the properties of the car."
(Read about the AutoM8s from Daemon)
Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 11/20/2017)
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