Beat Covid-19 With AIR By MicroClimate - At Last I Get My PAPR
AIR is a new product by a new company, MicroClimate. The purpose of the device is to supply you with fresh, virus-free HEPA-filtered air, in a way that lets everyone see your face.
That's the basic idea, anyway. I'm a bit skeptical, since the company's website doesn't appear to be complete to me, although it presents a professional appearance.
I've been wondering since roughly February why there aren't PAPR devices for consumers. Powered Air-Purifying Respirators have been around for quite a long time; they are used to provide positive pressure airflow from a filtered source. Typically battery powered and HEPA-filtered, most of the commercial devices have a belt or backpack battery and filter component that provides the air through a hose.
The biggest problem with these is probably the size of the Covid-19 virus and whether or not it can be blocked with a HEPA filter; apparently it can. The virus that causes Covid-19 is about 0.125 microns, and HEPA can capture anything down to about 0.01 microns.
The second problem is cost; PAPR devices cost from $200 and up; a good one is probably $500.
On the other hand, we spent four $trillion keeping our economy afloat; this would have purchased a lot of PAPR devices for essential workers. They are by far superior to wearing a mask.
Anyway, I'm sure there is some sort of straightforward reason why these won't work in our current situation; I don't understand it myself.
Just a couple of weeks ago, I wrote a story about an art project that was very similar in appearance; see iSphere Plastique Fantastique Face Mask Alternative, which also provides a science fictional background.
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