San Fran's Tiny Homeless
'Each person got a 5 foot by 10 foot room with a bed and a TV — the world’s best pacifier...' - Marshall Brain, 2002.
(re: Marshall Brain, 2/19/2022 ) |
Rotating House in Bosnia
'... feel free to turn the house on your own.' - Frank Herbert, 1972.
(re: Frank Herbert, 9/19/2021 ) |
Voyager Luxury Space Hotel Launches In 2023
'A spinning web of steel wires, held rigid by centrifugal force, spread from it across a thousand miles of space.' - Jack Williamson, 1939.
(re: Jack Williamson, 6/21/2021 ) |
Seasteading Floating Cities
'It was a remarkable island, circular, about half a kilometer in diameter.' - Otfrid von Hanstein, 1930.
(re: Otfrid von Hanstein, 11/11/2017 ) |
City Made Of Bone
'The cheapest building material known...' - Larry Niven, 1968.
(re: Larry Niven, 6/14/2016 ) |
UK's Self-Repairing Cities
'The city was divided into two sections, a section of many strata where machines functioned smoothly...' - John W. Campbell, 1934.
(re: John W. Campbell, 10/16/2015 ) |
The Living Tree House
'There were trees comprised of a central columnar trunk and four vast leaves...'- Jack Vance, 1954.
(re: Jack Vance, 10/26/2014 ) |
Time For Bradbury's 'Smart Home'?
'This house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them...' - Ray Bradbury, 1951.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 6/24/2014 ) |
Sky City's 220 Stories Are Go
‘Two miles wide, two miles long, and two miles high is eight cubic miles.’ Louis Tucker, 1929.
(re: Louis Tucker, 5/15/2013 ) |
Very Large Structure - A Megamachine
'Soon the city was lumbering in hot pursuit, a moving mountain of metal which rose in seven tiers like layers of a wedding cake...'- Philip Reeves, 2003
(re: Philip Reeve, 2/1/2013 ) |
EDV-01 Instant Self-Sufficient House
'There was nowhere on the planet where science and technology could not provide one with a comfortable home...'
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 1/17/2011 ) |
Put MercuryHouseOne Anywhere
This retro-futuristic mobile pod lounge can be placed anywhere for off-the-grid comfort.
(re: Clifford Simak, 2/7/2010 ) |
Burj Khalifa Tallest Building At 828 Meters
And do you know the three measures for height accepted by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat? Burj Khalifa is the tallest by all three.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 1/4/2010 ) |
'Tofu' Chair Inspired By Plant Cells
Reveal the plant cell-inspired chair within the carved block of 'tofu. This design won the red dot design award in Singapore this year.
(re: Jack Vance, 10/26/2009 ) |
Instant Housing
Haven't you ever found a spot with a view so great, you'd just like to plunk a house down right there, and enjoy it right now? Now you can.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 10/4/2009 ) |
Man Beds And SF Sleep Lairs
It's a niche market, but you can get a bed right out of science fiction. I'm talking to you, man.
(re: Various, 9/23/2009 ) |
Robot Resorts In 50 Years?
Can robots run hotels better than people? We may find out, says tourism expert.
(re: Richard Morgan, 8/18/2009 ) |
Domed Cities - For Earth?
Is it really time to start thinking about whether or not we need to start covering Earth cities to protect them (and us) from the rest of our own planet?
(re: Anonymous, 6/29/2009 ) |
Touchy Feely Trigger Point Mouldings
If you've ever desired a more intimate relationship with the walls of your apartment or business, I've got just the thing for you.
(re: J.G. Ballard, 5/31/2009 ) |
Sky-Terra Towers Blot Out Sky
'Centuries ago, Stratos was built by leaders that gave their word... that all inhabitants would live there.' Identify that quote.
(re: Various, 4/23/2009 ) |
Hotel Room Of The Future Is German, Retrotastic
This 'hotel room of the future' video provides a review of a retrotastic future too kitschy to believe; with memories of future rooms from the past century of science fiction.
(re: E.M. Forster, 1/2/2009 ) |
FLARE Creates 'Skin' For Buildings
Interesting idea for a flexible, interactive membrane that would allow a building to let air and light in, and let freedom of expression out.
(re: James Boswell, 10/12/2008 ) |
Cloud City On Venus?
Interesting ideas from Geoffrey Landis, scientist and sf writer.
(re: Fritz Leiber, 7/23/2008 ) |
Seasteading Institute: Homestead The Seas
Interesting idea has some funding from wealthy folks in Silicon Valley and yet San Jose is being paved over as fast as they can do it.
(re: Roger Zelazny, 5/27/2008 ) |
Rotating House Lets You Pick Your View
Interesting full-size rotating house is a bit of a shock to the locals; Frank Herbert had a more elegant concept, though.
(re: Frank Herbert, 5/14/2008 ) |
MegaLondoner Arcology Fantasized
London is going to need something spectacular, if there really are a million more people planning to live there in the next eight years.
(re: Pournelle and Niven, 3/26/2008 ) |
Holland Now Built To Float
Holland has dealt with flooding for centuries; now they are working with it in a new way.
(re: John Shirley, 2/5/2008 ) |
illy Push Button House
In less than two minutes, you could be enjoying your new home - with shipping container chic.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 12/18/2007 ) |
zeroHouse Self-Sufficient In Power, Water
This unusual house design results in a dwelling that is not limited to placement on the 'grid' - you could live practically anywhere.
(re: Arthur C. Clarke, 11/23/2007 ) |
Four-Rooms-In-One House
Three different rooms use the very same door - sounds science-fictional to me.
(re: , 7/30/2006 ) |
Shelter After Katrina
Readers wrote in suggesting that perhaps science fiction writers had some ideas that could be of practical use.
(re: Various, 9/8/2005 ) |
Burj Dubai Tower Update
The Burj Dubai tower in the United Arab Emirates is quietly progressing on its goal of being the tallest building in the world.
(re: Frank Herbert, 7/27/2005 ) |
Smart Buildings And Network Security
Smart buildings, which use building automation systems (BAS) to put air temperature, lighting and security on a common network, are popping up on college campuses and in the corporate world. So are security problems.
(re: William Gibson, 3/25/2005 ) |
Burj Tower In Dubai To Be World's Tallest Building
What is the tallest building in the world? Right now, it is the TFC 101 building in Taiwan - 509 meters tall. Not for long, though; Emaar Properties has awarded a contract to Samsung for $847 million to build the Burj Tower.
(re: Isaac Asimov, 12/10/2004 ) |
SpaceHouse: Jetson's Skypad Apartment
SpaceHouse, an ESA-designed structure designed for space is being examined for use here on earth. The German Antarctic station Neumayer-III must meet stringent laws intended to protect the Antarctic environment.
(re: Hanna-Barbera, 8/25/2004 ) |
A Smart Home With Cyber Crumbs - Bradbury's Happylife Home?
In his 1951 short story collection The Illustrated Man, Ray Bradbury wrote about the Happylife Home, which took care of the people who lived in it. Today, researchers work to create a smart home with cyber crumbs.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 5/26/2004 ) |
Quik House: Neal Stephenson's U-Stor-It?
Meet the quik house - a prefabricated kit house made from recycled shipping containers. Sounds like what Hiro Protagonist from Snow Crash lived in.
(re: Neal Stephenson, 3/24/2004 ) |
Smart Home Provides Elder Care
The University of Florida has created what they call "an assistive environment" which goes far beyond the assistive devices that we are used to hearing about.
(re: Ray Bradbury, 11/21/2003 ) |