The GestureTek multi-touch Illuminate table is available in a standard size, a foosball-sized table as shown below, but even better, the company is able to provide custom-designed multi-touch computers in other form factors.
The standard Illuminate table has a 50 inch gesture-controlled screen, computer, IR camera and speakers, as well as the GestureTek's GestureFX special effects applications.
Take a look at the video below.
(GestureTek multi-touch Illuminate table video)
Just imagine what this would look like built-into your Tiki bar top, coffee table, or other spot in your house or appartment. GestureTek patented their technology before the Minority Report-style wired glove interface display.
Update 17-Aug-2024: Consider the tabletop display from An Adventure in Time, by Francis Flagg, published by Science Wonder Stories in 1930.
End update.
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