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A-170 Video Lightsign Airship Brings Blade Runner Blimp To Sky Near You

The Lightship Group, working with Hi-Tech Electronic Displays, has announced the A-170 Video Lightsign Airship. The airship's amazing 2,100-square-foot sign (that's 30x70 feet) is mounted on the side of an A-170 airship.

(A-170 Video lightsign airship in ad mode)

The sign can display full color still images, as well as live video, at night. Hi-Tech Electronic Displays president Ralph Paonessa states that, during recent tests, the A-170 Lightsign Airship sign could be seen from two miles away. Similar sized signs, seen in many sports venues, typically weigh about six tons; the Hi-Tech LED display weighs just 900 pounds and is 1.5 inches thick, boasting 128x240 resolution.

(A-170 Video lightsign airship blank screen)

According to Toby Page, marketing director of The Lightship Group, "we have changed the traditional blimp media platform into a technologically advanced tool for the 21st century." And if you think that this thing would look impressive over a football game, just think how it would look flying at about fifth floor level through a city.

(Advertising blimp from Bladerunner)

That's just what director Ridley Scott thought during Blade Runner, his 1982 movie based on science fiction writer Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. In the film, enormous airships fly close overhead, with both video and audio advertising.

"A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies. The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure...

A new life awaits you in the Off-World Colonies. The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure. Lets go to the Colonies!"

No word yet from The Lightship Group about an audio capability; however, it is waterproof, and so could withstand advertising off-world colonies in 2019 Los Angeles, where the ruined climate offered what seemed like 24x7 rain over the city. Also, the A-170 Video Lightsign airship may be used with GPS tracking, text messaging individual customers within range.

If you are interested in adverts overhead, see this article on Sky Billboards. Read about these creative technovelgies from the movie and/or the novel; the Voight-Kampff empathy test, electric sheep and one of my personal favorites, the mood organ. Take a look at the A-170 Video Lightsign press release and the website for The Lightship Group. Thanks to Armchair Anarchist for the tip on this story.

Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 5/4/2006)

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