Part digital matrix display, part exploding gas grill, the Infernoptix screen is composed of a grid 12 fireballs wide by 7 fireballs high. The display itself is 4'2" high by 7' wide by 1' deep; it weighs about 450 pounds and is handsomely constructed of steel and copper. Perfect for the living room or outdoor deck.
Five separate modes allow a variety of effects:
Text Mode
Enter text into the control screen and you get the classic scrolling text display - in flames.
Tracker Mode
Use the mouse to click and drag within an onscreen box; your doodles appear in real-time.
Percussion Mode
When one pixel fires, you get just a bit of blastwave; by firing sets of pixels at different locations and at rhythmic intervals you get percussion combustion.
Animation mode
A low resolution TV or computer display.
Audio Mode
Create a 12-bar audio level meter, which displays frequency ranges and displays real-time results.
The device uses about fifteen gallons of propane per hour of performance. Ominously, the creators of this doomsday display state that "custom-built screens of virtually any size can be specially produced."
Update 12-Feb-2007: Take a look at additional Infernoptix videos. (End update.)
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