The Infernoptix Digital Pyrotechnic Matrix Display is one of my favorite gadgets. Part digital matrix display, part exploding gas grill, the Infernoptix screen is 12 pixels - no, strike that - fireballs wide by 7 fireballs high. The display is handsomely constructed of steel and copper.
It turns out that the Infernoptix Digital Pyrotechnic Matrix Display makes its own beat; check out the pyro jam below.
When one pixel fires, you get just a bit of blast wave; by firing sets of pixels at different locations and at rhythmic intervals you get percussion combustion...
Next up - spelling fire with fire, and I really like the choo-choo train audio effects.
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Nano-Chainmail 2D Mechanically Interlocked Polymer
'Nemourlon armor of reasonable weight resists penetration by most fragments and any bullet that is not both reasonably heavy and fairly high-velocity.'
Humans Love Helping Other Species
'At the ringside opposite them a table had been removed to make room for a large transparent plastic capsule on wheels.'