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"I'm a fairly visual thinker. In doing science, I think in terms of pictures of things happening, and then do the mathematics."
- Gregory Benford

Glow-Worm Living  
  Alternated work, play and slumber without long periods of sleep.  

I was told that the general system of living now, with the night made practically day by subdued and diffused electric “glow-worm” lighting, and with every known means in use of conserving energy and nerve force, had changed the old habit of sleeping and waking. People now rested frequently, nourished themselves scientifically, were able to be up and about at all hours of the night and day; and instead of working a long time at a stretch and then recuperating by exaggerated late night amusements or long periods of sleep, they intermingled brief times of work and play and slumber through the whole twenty-four hours
Technovelgy from In the Deep of Time, by George Parsons Lathrop.
Published by Not known in 1897
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Edison must have loved this idea, since he himself was partial to working for long periods and then refreshing himself with naps, sleeping only 4-5 hours per night.

Edison knew that his electric lights disrupted age-old sleep patterns: he commented:

When I went through Switzerland in a motor-car, so that I could visit little towns and villages, I noted the effect of artificial light on the inhabitants. Where water power and electric light had been developed, everyone seemed normally intelligent. Where these appliances did not exist, and the natives went to bed with the chickens, staying there until daylight, they were far less intelligent.

(Via Brain Pickings)

Compare to morphogen from Fantastic Voyage (Novel) (1966) by Isaac Asimov. Also, see the article for A-som, anti-somnolence drugs mentioned in Paul Di Filippo's 2006 story Shuteye for the Timebroker; this story examines what it would be like to eliminate sleep.

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  More Ideas and Technology from In the Deep of Time
  More Ideas and Technology by George Parsons Lathrop
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