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"It was my preferred entertainment when I was a kid, so when I set out to be a writer, it was perfectly natural that I should write the sort of stories that I used to enjoy reading."
- John Brunner

Laws Against Human Drivers  
  The idea that autonomous vehicles should be the only cars on the road, for safety.  

As far as I know, this is the first reference to this idea.

Heavy penalties, brought to the equivalent of attempted manslaughter, were to be applied to any one found driving manually-controlled machines. Not that anyone would have dared. It was impossible in that tear of traffic for an humble brain to respond quickly enough to avoid almost instant anhihilation.
Technovelgy from Photo Control, by Bernard Brown.
Published by Amazing Stories in 1934
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Isaac Asimov made the same point in Sally:

Good old Matthew. He stayed in the garage most of the day now, but then he was the granddaddy of all positronic-motored cars. Those were the days when blind war veterans, paraplegics and heads of state were the only ones who drove automatics. But Samson Harridge was my boss and he was rich enough to be able to get one. I was his chauffeur at the time.

The thought makes me feel old. I can remember when there wasn't an automobile in the world with brains enough to find its own way home. I chauffeured dead lumps of machines that needed a man's hand at their controls every minute. Every year machines like that used to kill tens of thousands of people.

The automatics fixed that. A positronic brain can react much faster than a human one, of course, and it paid people to keep hands off the controls. You got in, punched your destination and let it go its own way.

We take it for granted now, but I remember when the first laws came out forcing the old machines off the highways and limiting travel to automatics. Lord, what a fuss. They called it everything from communism to fascism, but it emptied the highways and stopped the killing, and still more people get around more easily the new way.

Compare to the similar statement that only autonomous cars should be allowed on public roads made by Arthur C. Clarke in his 1976 novel Imperial Earth.

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Additional resources:
  More Ideas and Technology from Photo Control
  More Ideas and Technology by Bernard Brown
  Tech news articles related to Photo Control
  Tech news articles related to works by Bernard Brown

Laws Against Human Drivers-related news articles:
  - Autonomous Cars: Who Is Responsible For Driving?
  - No Human Drivers By 2040 - Israel
  - Tesla Autopilot's 40 Percent Crash Reduction
  - When Will The Feds Ban Human Drivers?

Articles related to Vehicle
Xiaomi Self-Driving Self-Balancing Scooter
AV-STEP To Permit Sale Of Vehicles Without Steering Wheels Or Pedals
'Robovan' Name Already Taken - Elon, Try These
Tele-Driving Offers Jobs For Tele-Drivers, Not AIs

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