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"...the space defense initiative drove the USSR bankrupt, and it originated at my house in Tarzana."
- Larry Niven

  A device for communicating with space ships, both ship-to-ship and ground-to-ship.  

THEN, jarring my sleeping brain, came a loud, impatient clanging of the space phone bell, while the indicator light continually flashed on and off, showing that someone was at the other end of the line. My first thought was that the power impulses had resumed operation and that the call was either from Astrax or from the ship ahead of us.

"This is Prixlon Lestex in charge of inspection flier #X65U39. Who is speaking?"

Technovelgy from The Message From Space, by David M. Speaker.
Published by Amazing Stories in 1930
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The space-phone is assumed to have a virtually unlimited range:

I will send twenty-five messages exactly like these which I hope will serve as a warning to any civilization which some of them may reach. Tf it were possible, I would give complete descriptions of our atomic energy production plants and our magnet-ray machines, but these were known only to the government and the inventors. If there exists a race whose science has enabled them to construct a space-phone like this or some similar instrument capable of receiving any of these messages, then my work has not been in vain.

This term is used the following year in Creatures of the Comet (1931) by Edmond Hamilton:

Out in the pilot-house of the speeding rocket Kirk was making much the same comment to his companion, as with deft fingers on the firing-levers he kept the rocket roaring out from earth through the black void of space, exchanging sharp words on the space-phone with the pilots of rockets that crowded them in the space-lane.

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  More Ideas and Technology from The Message From Space
  More Ideas and Technology by David M. Speaker
  Tech news articles related to The Message From Space
  Tech news articles related to works by David M. Speaker

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