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"I can remember when the first pulsars were discovered. I was able to go and sit down and listen to graduate students talking about what their theories, to explain what pulsars really were."
- Vernor Vinge

Methuen Treatment  
  Injections that increase intelligence.  

Professor Methuen is described in the story as a "storklike man with a gray goatee" - and he has a rather puckish sense of humor when it comes to inventions. Especially after he tries his own special treatment to increase intelligence.

"I think my original theory was right; that the electrical resistance of the gaps between human neurons is already as low as it can be, so the Methuen injections won't have any appreciable effect on a human being. Sorry, Johnny, but I'm afraid your boss won't become any great genius as a result of trying a dose of his own medicine.

The Methuen treatment had raised Johnny's intelligence from that of a normal black bear to that of a human being...

Technovelgy from The Exhalted, by L. Sprague de Camp.
Published by Astounding Science-Fiction in 1940
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It turns out that the Methuen Treatment does have an effect on human beings, but not quite in the manner expected. Click on the link to the story title in the above paragraph to see some of his prankster inventions.

Research shows that the processing speed of your brain does decline with age; some neuroscientists believe that a slowdown in processing speed may be the primary factor in age-related changes in cognition. Processing speed declines consistently across the adult lifespan.

Compare to the electro-culturer from The Ancient Brain (1929) by A.G. Stan gland and the bubbleheads from The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1965) by Philip K. Dick

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Additional resources:
  More Ideas and Technology from The Exhalted
  More Ideas and Technology by L. Sprague de Camp
  Tech news articles related to The Exhalted
  Tech news articles related to works by L. Sprague de Camp

Articles related to Medical
ErythroMer Artificial Blood
MouthPad Supports Head And Tongue Tracking
Drug Induces Hibernation-Like State In Humans
Drug To Regenerate Teeth In Humans

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